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The month of December has finally made its arrival, and boy has it been a busy month

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The month of December has finally made its arrival, and boy has it been a busy month. Between everybody working, hosting events, and Christmas shopping, both families have been busy to their limit. Today was graduation day for both Jay and Niyah. Jay's was first this morning, and Niyah's was after around 3 in the evening. Sonni was currently upstairs in her bedroom getting the twins together. Being that the weather is finally in winter mode, both Silas and Sahil were wearing matching

"Sincere, baby, come on! I swear if we're late to my son's graduation, you're on probation for a week and I'm not playing!" Sonni fussed as she buckled and secured a wide awake Silas into his car seat. She pushed his binky into his mouth and stood up straight before pulling up her pants. She shook her head once she heard the bathroom open.

Xavier smacked his lips. "Damn, Sunflower, can I take care of my hygiene?"

"Boy, don't make me bust you up. If you would've gotten up when I first told you to, then I wouldn't be fussing like this." Sonni stood with her hands on her hips, scolding him, only to make him laugh.

"It's your fault. Nobody told you to fuck me like that last night. You know how I get."

Sonni rolled her eyes because she knew he was telling the truth. "Shut up and grab the twins. Emerie is downstairs, probably giving Juice hell."

"I thought so." Xavier mumbled as he picked up both of the car seats and headed for the door. Sonni grabbed both of their jackets, shoes, her purse, and the diaper bag. Once she realized she had everything, she hit the lights and followed Xavier out of the door and downstairs.

"Come on, Juice baby!" Sonni yelled as she stood at the door. She looked in the mirror that was placed on the wall and nodded her head in satisfaction with her look. A look she hoped would last the entire day.

"Hi Mama!" Emerie yelled and waved as she sat on Juice's hip. Sonni shook her head and kissed her cheek before ushering them out the door.

Once they all piled into Sonni's Audi Q7 safely and securely, they were off to Essex County College to watch Jayden walk and receive two associate degrees in Education and Art while also graduating with Manga Cum Laude, meaning he maintained a 3.65 GPA throughout his entire matriculation. Xavier glanced at his wife and shook his head before placing his hand on her thigh, providing some reassurance. Sonni has been on the fence all morning, and she's only been acting like that because she doesn't want to let Jayden down or disappoint him. Ever since she and Zai took him in, she made a promise to herself that she would always show up for him no matter what she had going on. Because after everything he'd been through, he needed solid people and genuine love in his corner. The thought of them even being the slightest bit late had her nerves in a frenzy.

After driving for at least forty minutes, Zai was pulling into the parking lot of the college's gymnasium. It took him a minute to find a park, but he eventually did. He killed the engine, and Sonni climbed out as he opened her door. She grabbed her Gold Christian Louboutin heels and kicked her slides from her feet before sliding them into her heels. She wiggled her feet around and pulled up her high-waisted jeans—tucking in her shirt. Ever since she gave birth to the twins, her hips have spread along with the growth of her butt. Finishing off her look, Sonni pulled her black Zara Lapel coat on and secured her gold Chanel brooch on the right side of the collar.

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