jayden o'mari west

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"We go see Niy?"

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"We go see Niy?"

I laughed and nodded my head at Emmie, who was sitting in her car seat. "Yes, we go see Niyah."

I turned the music back up, making her bob her head and sing along as if she knew the lyrics. Because both our parents and everybody else were at work, we were going to pick up Niyah from the airport. She's been out of state studying and doing research since the end of the spring semester. She came home for the baby shower and a couple weeks after they were born. So she hasn't seen us in about four months besides the occasional FaceTime calls. It was a Friday, so the traffic was heavy. I grabbed my phone from the cupholder and smirked at a particular message.

Orianne ✨💕: I don't appreciate you falling asleep on me last night. 🥺

I shook my head laughing to myself and quickly replying.

I'm sorry love. It wasn't intentional but I'm glad I did because I would've been late picking up my sister from the airport.

I put my phone back in the cupholder and paid attention to the traffic. Jersey natives can not drive. I was in Pop's Range Rover, so I knew I had to be extra cautious. It's been about two weeks since the ball, and that's how long me and Ms. Wright have been communicating. I had a feeling once I told her my age, it was going to stop. I wasn't hiding the fact that I was 19. Our ages were never brought up. I know she's 21 because of the simple fact that she was carded at the restaurant. If and when she asked? I'll tell her, but I'm not going to be the one to bring it up. I like her vibe, and I'm not even about to cap on that. She's pretty and spoiled as hell, which I don't mind because I had the means to get her everything she desired and more.

My parents, especially my mama, liked her, which was a bonus.

Minutes later, I was finally pulling up to the airport. I parked and killed the engine. Looking in the rearview mirror, I couldn't do anything but shake my head. My baby was sound asleep. Let me find out if they are working her hard at school. I grabbed my phone, wallet, and keys before climbing out of the foreign SUV. I walked around and pulled her door open, and she was already staring at me with those big brown sleepy eyes. I jumped at her, making her giggle. Crazy little girl. I reached in and unbuckled her seatbelt. I picked her up, set her on my hip, and grabbed the flowers and sign from the front seat before heading inside.

"You see, Niy?" I asked Emmie as I placed a kiss on her cheek. She shook her head and laid it on my shoulder. My baby was still sleepy.

After standing in place for about ten minutes, Emmie started tapping my chest rapidly and pointing. I looked in the direction of her pointing finger and shook my head. A very short Aniyah was making her way towards us.

"Niyah!" I yelled, getting her attention, and held up the sign that read "welcome home." She looked up and smiled before running our way. I let Emmie down, and she took off running towards her. I pulled up my falling shorts and walked their way.

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