jayden o'mari west

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"Momo, you sure y'all don't want to use the jet? I don't want y'all on the road

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"Momo, you sure y'all don't want to use the jet? I don't want y'all on the road."

I shook my head watching Pops try to talk our grandparents out of driving up to the resort. We all would've flown on the jet, but Mama was not ready for the twins to fly yet. Even though they're at the age they can, she still wasn't ready. I busted out laughing once Momo popped him in the lip. Paw just sat there and shook his head.

Momo waved him off. "Boy hush. My other grandson, Savion, is driving us. We're going to be okay."

"Crazy ass lady." Pops mumbled and ran away before he could get hit by the slipper.

I shook my head and walked into the kitchen, going towards the sink. I washed my hands and grabbed two paper plates, loading the first one up with hot wings and the second with two slices of alfredo pizza and a slice of sausage. Being that the house is kind of chaotic right now because of last minute gift wrapping, cleaning up, and last minute packing, Pops ordered food so Mama wouldn't have to cook. It's not like she was going to anyway. She said she wasn't cooking this week because she was cooking for the two weeks we're going to be gone.

I grabbed a strawberry lemonade Gatorade and the buttermilk ranch from the refrigerator. I dipped one of my drums into the ranch and bit into it.


I sighed and dropped my wing, hearing my name come through the intercom. I swear, it's like your parents know when you're relaxing. I wiped my hands with a napkin and grabbed a slice of pizza before heading upstairs because it was none other than my mama summoning me.

"Yes ma'am?" I stood at the threshold and bit the pizza, chewing as I watched her pack the twins' duffle bags. We were only going to be gone for two weeks, but babies need more stuff than we do.

"Where's Juice?"

I stopped chewing and stared at the back of her head. It took everything in me to not smack my lips so she wouldn't go upside my head. She knew she could've asked me that when she came downstairs. I finished chewing and swallowed. "She'll be here soon. Her family took her out today because this is their first time spending the holidays apart."

She nodded her head. "That's right. I know she is going through it. 12 brothers? I used to lose my mind with just Savion, hell."

I laughed. "She definitely does. What did you get her for Christmas?"

She straight faced me and threw a bottle at my head, making me duck and run out of the room laughing. Well, I tried. I hit the stairs going back down so I could finish my food.


I turned to see Emmie driving her Range Rover. Her smartass knew how to drive it by herself now instead of being controlled by the remote. "Wassup boo?"

"Hiiiii!" She dragged out waving and drove off, making me laugh. Her badass is supposed to be at school, but of course, our grandparents picked her up before coming here. I shook my head and walked back into the kitchen.

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