jayden o'mari west

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"Jay, what type of oatmeal do you want, boo?"

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"Jay, what type of oatmeal do you want, boo?"

I looked up at my mama as she moved around the kitchen getting things ready for breakfast. I adjusted Sahill (sa-heel) in my arms as I fed him. He was so greedy that he was chunkier than Silas. That's the only way we can tell them apart. "Apple and cinnamon."

"You want toast and sausage too?"

I nodded my head. "Yes ma'am. What time does the interview air?"

"At eight, which is why I'm trying to get breakfast started."

I pulled the bottle out of Sahil's mouth, seeing that it was empty. I pushed his transparent binky into his mouth before he even started fussing and laid him across the burping blanket that I had draped across my left shoulder. I rubbed his back in circles and patted it lightly until he burped, which didn't take him long. I looked down, taking note of him falling asleep, so I stood up and walked into the living room where both bassinets were placed. One was at the end and the other was up top. Silas was sound asleep in his, so I placed Sahil down and eased away from the living room.

My mama called my name, and I already knew what she wanted. I walked towards the refrigerator and grabbed the yogurt and granola from the pantry. I grabbed four plastic bowls and placed them on the kitchen table. I scratched my head and frowned. "Ma, can you help me wash my hair later today?"

"Yes, are you off today?"

I nodded my head and grabbed a personal bottle of apple juice from the beverage fridge before sliding back onto the bench. "Yes ma'am. The person I was filling in for is finally back. I need the company card too, because you know, the afternoon programs are about to start back up and I need to get the art supplies for my class."

She nodded her head. "Ok boo. Remind me or your daddy later."

We were a couple minutes into the interview, and I was very intrigued. It's not everyday you see an African American man on television dressed to the 9s with 2 carat earrings, an Audemars Piguet watch, and the matching bracelet unless he was an athlete tap dancing for the white man. I was proud of my father nonetheless, because it's not everyday a black man gains his freedom back and gets to walk freely. Another reason that Mama was about to create a program under her name to help those like she helped Pops. He may have been fortunate enough to go through everything, but those after him aren't.

As I listened to my Pop's voice flow through the TV, I couldn't help but focus my attention on the reporter. Ms. Orianne Wright, Jr. It was nice to finally put a name to the face that has been occupying my mind for the last week and a half. I'd be a fool to not remember her.

"Who's your biggest inspiration?"

That was one of the questions my father was asked, and I smiled at his answer.

"My wife. That's my heart and then some. Outside of our kids, she's my biggest blessing."

"Sincere! You need to cut it out before I give you another one! This interview was about you, and yet all you did was talk about us. I'm finna cry."

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