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"Ugh! Why do y'all insist on sleeping in my room when y'all have your own?" Juice exclaimed as she tripped over feet that belonged to her many cousins

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"Ugh! Why do y'all insist on sleeping in my room when y'all have your own?" Juice exclaimed as she tripped over feet that belonged to her many cousins. She looked at her bed and then at the floor, shaking her head.

Tizon pulled a pillow from underneath someone and tossed it at Juice. "Shut up and take yo pissy ass to the bathroom! It's too early for you to be fussing."

Juice huffed and kicked him before walking into the bathroom. She didn't even bother turning the light on because she preferred to use it in the dark. Once she took care of her business, she washed her hands and walked back into her room. It was still dark outside, so she knew it was the middle of the night. She stepped over Tizon, who had his feet in his brother, Tyson's face. She laughed to herself and climbed back into her bed. She pushed Binky, who was laying on his back.

"Get off your back, Bink." She pushed him again because he's not supposed to be sleeping on his back because of his sleep apnea and asthma.

He groaned and rolled over, laying on her shoulder. Juice shook her head and grabbed her phone from the nightstand, squinting as the bright light blinded her. She looked at the time, seeing that it was two-thirty in the morning. It was the morning of Thanksgiving, and she knew she needed to go back to sleep. She was going to need all the rest she could get before getting in the kitchen in a few hours. Juice went through her social media apps and messages before placing her phone back on the nightstand and going back to sleep.

"Jay, what time are you heading to Juice's house?" Xavier asked his oldest son while he was getting one of the twins dressed for the long day.

"After I eat at Momo's and Paw's house. You know, I can't leave without eating her cooking, and plus, ma said we taking pictures before we leave, so I really can't leave until then."

Xavier shook his head because he knew he was telling the truth. Sonni just might have a fit if Jayden wasn't in the family pictures. She was all for him spending time with his girlfriend and her family, but their family festivities had to be completed first.

As you all can see, it was the morning of Thanksgiving and both families were in preparation for getting ready for their families' festivities. Over at the governor's mansion, Juice, or Orianne, was in the kitchen with her aunties preparing for dinner. Senior sent his kitchen staff home to be with their families for the holiday; he felt that it would've been selfish to keep them away. The holidays are all about being with your loved ones and spending time with them.

The doorbell sounded, causing Juice to sigh. Her family has been arriving all day, getting on her nerves. Drunk uncles, aunties, friends of the family, just about everybody. She slid the pan of chicken breast that she had just seasoned into the oven and shut it closed. She moved her auntie and walked to the sink to wash her hands before starting on the rice casserole.

"Juicy! Kayli is here!" Armis yelled as he opened the door. He mugged her because she was smiling flirtatiously at him. No matter how pretty she was, he or his cousins wouldn't cross the line because they knew what type of person she was and how she got her money. They also didn't do anything with her out of respect for their Juice. Because there's been plenty of time where all 12 or at least the oldest of the 12 could've flipped her. Their nickname for her was "hot pocket."

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