orianne micah wright jr.

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I heard Jayden address me by the nickname he gave me, making me look away from the red and orange fire that was set ablaze in front of me. He stretched his hand out, making me grab the purple coffee mug from his hand. After my estranged mother popped up at the house, I cried and screamed until my pooh got me together. All I wanted to do was leave, and that's what we did. We came back to his house and he asked me what I wanted to do. I said I wanted to drink hot chocolate outside, make s'mores, and look at the stars.

We showered together, and now we're here. As he sat down, I pulled my knees to my chest and tucked my feet under the throw blanket before laying my head on his shoulder. I really didn't have anything to say, and I think he knew that. I was honestly lost for words, so I really appreciated him for being willing to just sit here with me in silence. I pushed my head up and kissed his cheek. I moved the spoon around in my cup, licking some whipped cream off the top. I took a sip and closed my eyes as the hot liquid slid down my throat.

My mother popping up is not random at all, and I don't care what anybody has to say. I mean, after all these years, she decided to come to Thanksgiving dinner as if she were a member of the family? My daddy told her to leave but she didn't, which resulted in my aunties jumping her. Nobody bothered to stop or break up the fight, so I gladly gathered me and Jayden's things and we walked right out of the door. I wasn't staying around to hear any excuses or the bullshit she called apologies. She's twenty-one years too late, and if my daddy didn't still love her, she would've been shark food a long time ago.

I know I said I missed her a couple weeks ago, but I didn't want her in my life at all. Nothing in the world can make up for the pain and abandonment she has put me through. For my understanding, she's nothing but an incubator and nothing more.

"Look bug, it's a shooting star. Let's make a wish."

I opened my eyes and grabbed his hand with my right since my hot chocolate was in my left. I closed my eyes and wished for an increase in peace, prosperity, happiness, protection, and good health. I already had everything I could ever want, so I just asked for an increase in a few things.

I felt Jayden look down at me, which made me look up at him. We gave each other a goofy look and laughed right after. "What do you want to do for your birthday?"

I shrugged my shoulders because I wasn't sure. My birthday is in two months on the 30th of January. Big aquarius! The best sign in the land. Ms. Sonni and I actually share the same birthday. "The boys usually plan me a big dinner and go crazy with the gifts. I'll tell them to text you, so y'all can correspond. They threw me a hugeee party this year, and I didn't know half of the people in the damn building. I had fun though. I was so drunk. Armis strong ass carried me to the car; I was sitting in the backseat of the Bach just spinning."

Jayden laughed. "I've only drank alcohol once in my life and didn't even know it. My pops snatched the cup from me so quick."

"Why did he snatch the cup?" I took another sip of my hot chocolate, savoring the sweet flavor.

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