orianne micah wright jr.

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"Okay, twin! Your first day on the job and you already have your first assignment! Are you excited?"

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"Okay, twin! Your first day on the job and you already have your first assignment! Are you excited?"

I laughed at my father's excitement and as I walked around the kitchen fixing his plate. I think he was more excited than me. Hell, I don't think I know. I scooped the squared-off piece of lasagna onto his plate and grabbed a homemade garlic roll, placing it on his plate. I sat it in front of him along with his bowl of salad.

"Pa, what do you want to drink?" I asked while pulling two glass cups from the cabinet and filling them with ice.

"That orange koolaid you be making."

I nodded my head and pulled the pitcher from the refrigerator. I poured the beverage, filling both of the cups. I placed his in front of him and grabbed my plate, pulling towards me. "And to answer your question, yes Pa I'm excited. I am a little nervous but excited too. I can't believe I'm interviewing Xavier West, the Xavier West. Do you know that this will be his first interview, first public appearance, and everything since his release? Not to put too much pressure on myself, but I can't afford to fail."

Pa shook his head and waved me off. "Don't even sweat it, love, you're a Wright and you can overcome any obstacle put in your path. When I first heard his story, I was shocked but not surprised. The system failing a black man has become such a repetitive cycle it's sad. A change needs to happen, but said change won't happen any time soon because people fear change. They like change, but they fear it."

I nodded my head in agreement. "You're right, people fear change because of the inevitable. In the words of Godfrey Hodgson, Americans love change, but they hate to be changed. Americans, in fact, do love change, but hate being changed because of the lack of control they won't have. It's a sad reality. Yes, change is awkward and difficult but sometimes it's needed."

"You got that right, Junie!"

I laughed watching him shake his finger. I forked some lasagna into my mouth, enjoying the bite. I wiped my mouth and swallowed before taking a sip of my drink. "Pa, do you think it's best I focus on his actual life instead of his case?Although most reporters exploit their interviewees for views, I don't want to be that type. I refuse to put myself in a box. I think if I focus more on him than on his tribulation, it will be a head turner because I will be doing the unpredictable."

He was smiling like crazy, making me laugh. "What, old man?"

"You answered your own question, Junie."

I shook my head in realization. "Well excuse me, Mister Governor."

"Shhh! Don't tell anybody."

I busted out laughing watching him put his finger to his lips, shushing me for real. I shook my head and continued eating before heading upstairs to my room. I had a lot of homework to do, which consisted of looking into the life of Mr. West. I had to draft at least twenty-five questions to present to my boss before the interview, which was two days from now and held at his residence.

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