orianne micah wright jr.

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"Baby, are you sure you don't want me to cancel and come help?" I asked Jayden, who was on FaceTime as I walked around my room getting ready

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"Baby, are you sure you don't want me to cancel and come help?" I asked Jayden, who was on FaceTime as I walked around my room getting ready. It's been a couple days since we got the news of his studio being burned down.

He shook his head as he opened the front door. "Yes, Bugga, I'm sure. Go ahead and handle things with your father, so you can get it over with. Are you still going shopping after you done."

I nodded my head and pulled on my red North Face jacket. I straightened it up and pulled my braids out, throwing them back. I grabbed my Neverfull, looking inside, making sure I had everything that I needed and more. Pa decided that we was going to have lunch and the sit down at the family bristo because he didn't want Anastasia in our house. "Yes, I'm going to look for stuff for Aspen. I have the coat you bought me, but you know we need other stuff as well."

He nodded his head. "Check your account in a few. Let me know how it goes and if I have to come get you, just send the sos and I'm on my way."

I pouted because why is he so good to me? I shook my head and picked up my phone, purse, and made sure I had my keys before walking out of my room—downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and greeted the staff. I grabbed a strawberry muffin and an apple juice before walking outside.

"Uncle Sav, stop before I beat yo ass!" I bust out laughing when they started passing licks. The phone dropped, and I couldn't do anything but shake my head. I ended the call and sent him a message before climbing into Tizon's Audi A7. He was in my Range for the week. We have been switching cars since we were kids. I sat my purse in the passenger seat, adjusted my seat and pushed the start button before pulling in my seatbelt. I drove around the fountain and out of the driveway.

I've been sitting outside the bristo for about a good twenty-five minutes. I don't want to go in, but I want answers, and the only way to get answers is to go in. I shook my head and pulled my phone out to text Jayden the SOS, but before I could press send, Binky knocked on the window.

"Fuck!" I cursed under my breath and rolled the window down. I gave him a tight-lipped smile.


He gave me a blank stare and pulled the door open, waving his hand. "Getcho ass out the car Junie. You been sitting out here for like thirty minutes like don't nobody check your location every five minutes."

I huffed and pushed the stop button. I unbuckled my seatbelt and grabbed my purse, climbing out of the car. Binky held my hand until I was all the way through and shut the door before walking us to the entrance. He held the door open and I walked in, waving at the hostess before walking to the back room. Being the governor has its perks. I greeted Uncle Noah at the door and opened it. Uncle Jeffery was off for the week because Auntie Sherry, his wife, was having surgery.

"There goes my Junior!"

I smiled at my Pa's excitement. He loved him some me. I hugged his neck and took a seat beside him, not even bothering to acknowledge Anastasia. Binky took my jacket and hooked my purse on the hook that was connected to the chair. He sat beside me, and I laid my head on his shoulder. I watched my father look at us before looking at her. He shook his head and grabbed the small glass that was on the table, which was holding his favorite brown concoction, Scotch.

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