orianne micah wright jr.

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"Juice, stop lying! That boy is not 19!"

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"Juice, stop lying! That boy is not 19!"

I laughed watching Tyson smack his lips and shake his head as he ate a slice of cheese pizza. I raised my hands, shrugging. "I wish I was, but I'm not. Jayden is 19."

It's been a week since he asked me on a date, but we never actually went on the date because both of our schedules became hectic. Two workers at the restaurant were sick, and he had to fill in. So on top of his homework, shifts at the restaurant, and his classes at his father's center, along with my work schedule, it just didn't happen. Since we couldn't go on our date, we took the opportunity to learn more about each other. In the midst of learning, I asked him how old he was because he never mentioned his age and I thought it was weird. He informed me that he was, in fact, 19. I was kind of shook and I may have ghosted him for a day or two.

"So how do you feel about the difference? I mean, It's not a big one but where yo head at?"Amris, the oldest of all of us, asked as he pulled my boots up on my feet. Being the only girl sucks sometimes, but I love it nonetheless because it's princess treatment 25/8. I'm everybody's baby.

I shrugged and smiled a little, thinking about Jayden. "I don't have a problem with it. It kind of caught me off guard, though, because of the way he carries himself. You wouldn't even think he was 19."

"That's because he's not your average 19-year-old." Quin mumbled as he walked into the living room. He stretched and scratched his stomach while walking into the kitchen. He returned seconds later with a Core water in his hand. I shook my head because why was he just waking up?

Tizon smacked his lips in confusion, making everybody laugh. "Nigga, what do you mean average?"

"Instead of acting like someone he's not, he acts like his tax bracket. He's not out here pretending to be a hood or street nigga with his money. Y'all know how those Cedar Grove niggas are, and he's not one of them, and that's why I like him for Juice." Quin expressed, making me smile. He drank some of his water and laid his head on my shoulder. I love my Binky.

"Damn, you're right." Azaire nodded his head in agreement and grabbed a slice of pizza from the box.

Honestly, in my opinion, that's not even the least average thing about him. It's the fact that he doesn't have that little boy mentality. From our first conversation, I knew right off the bat that he wasn't your average Joe. He was well-mannered, respectable, and straightforward. He let me know what his intentions were exactly two days after we started talking, and that right there had me hooked. I love a man that knows what he wants. The vibration of my phone pulled me from my thoughts.

I leaned forward picking it up from the coffee table smiling at the message.

Jayden 👨🏽‍🎨💙: I'm on my way love.

I hearted the message and replied with a simple "okay" and a purple heart. I put my phone down and looked up, only to jump back. "Why are y'all staring at me like that?"

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