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It was finally the night of the Governor's Ball and both families, the Wrights and Wests, were in full swing of preparation

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It was finally the night of the Governor's Ball and both families, the Wrights and Wests, were in full swing of preparation. Being that Sonni didn't want the twins out and around people just yet, Momo and Paw were on babysitting duty. Emmie is the only baby of the family that will be in attendance.

"Auntie Ronda! Can you come help me with my dress!" Orianne shouted as she stood in the middle of her room in her lilac satin robe. She had completed her hygiene, hair, and make-up prior to. All she had to do was put her dress on, which was very pretty and made by the best.

A knock sounded at her door, making her look up from her phone.

"It's your Auntie, Juice."

Orianne walked towards her bedroom door, twisted the black knob and pulled her door open. She stepped aside and allowed her Auntie Ronda to walk in. She was covered by her robe as well, being that she was in the middle of getting ready, but she knew her niece needed help because she had to be ready first, along with her brother, Orion Sr. Ronda pulled the garment bag from the back of the closest door and pulled the zipper down—opening it.

"What type of underwear do you have on?" Auntie Ronda asked her niece as she pulled the dress out of the bag.

"The seamless nude shape wear. I gotta hold this tummy in." Orianne laughed as she rubbed her stomach.

"Girl, cut it out and come on." Auntie Ronda laughed along too, as she shook her head.

Orianne pulled her robe off and let her pasty covered breast bounce free. She held on to her auntie's shoulder as she stepped into her dress. She slid her arm through the small sleeve and held the front as her auntie pulled it up and zipped it. Ronda walked around her and fixed the dress.

"Ooo! I see why the boys be fighting niggas off you when y'all out. Body and a bomb face! You got it from me, by the way." Ronda boasted, hyping up her niece.

"Yes sirrrr!" Orianne laughed, and they hit the bankhead bounce together.

"Grab your accessories and everything and go on downstairs. The boys are ready. They're going to help you with your shoes while I finish getting ready."

Orianne nodded her head and began doing so as her auntie walked out. Being that her dress was emerald green, everything from her jewelry and shoes were gold because both colors complimented each other well. Once Junie had everything she needed, she held up the bottom of her dress and made her way downstairs to a rowdy living room.

She smiled and shook her head. "Ooo, don't you all look dapper. Can't even tell that some of you have rap sheets."

A bunch of groans and lipsmacks were heard as she laughed. "Yea yea, I love y'all too. Now who's about to help with my heels?"

It was a minute of silence which made Orianne smack her lips. She frowned. "If y'all don't love me anymore, just say that."

Tizon, who stood at 5'10 and had a muscular build, rich smooth skin, and white teeth, smacked his lips and straightened up his suit as he stood up."Y'all niggas some hoes. Sit down, Juice."

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