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I had been in love with Thierry Antonio Carter for as long as I could remember. The moment he walked though the door of my father's trap house I was is awe.

When I saw that 6'2 man walk though my father's office doors I knew for sure I was gay, before then I was questioning but in that moment I was sure.

You would be surprised to know that all of this happened 3 years ago and to this day I had not made a move. Or at least I had tried to get him to notice me but no dice.

So I decided to take matters into my own hands I was going to asking him out myself. Well at least I was going to tell him how I felt and hope for the best.

... that was the plan and as most plans go none of them ever end up as intended.

Let me set the scene for you. I had arrived at the local 7/11 knowing he would be there selling his supply for the day. This was the perfect location, far away from dad's prying eyes and convenient enough to seem like I was going to buy something from the store.

I walked up to Thierry ready to spill my guts out but I noticed he had his back towards me and was talking to someone who had a hoodie on, was about 5'4 and caramel skinned.

I decided to wait until he was done talking to the shorter male so I could begin my confession.

I shouldn't have waited. I should have interrupted them or at the very least walked away when I had the chance. I didn't do that which resulted in me hearing a conversation I was never meant to hear.

It was Thierry and the shorter male discussing how they were going to handle the current situation they are in which was that the shorter male was pregnant.

Obviously jealous and shocked I decided to see who was this person that happened to trap Thierry. I stormed up to Thierry pushing him aside so I could have access to the shorter male, only to see the last person I'd expect to betray me.

My twin brother Syre, I stood there in utter shock. I had no words, out of everyone Syre could have been with it just had to be Thierry. I felt so hurt granted I never did tell Syre exactly who I had a crush on. But it was so obvious everybody who had eyes knew.

Eventually my eyes travel down Syre's stomach only to see a baby bump that looked around 5 to 6 months. This sight explained a lot. Why all of a sudden Syre decided he wanted to move out and live alone even though he was 14. This whole scene made sense.

...That all took place 2 years ago

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