Chapter 17

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"Uhm... I didn't actually contact one on the internet I..."

"What the fuck Em!"

"Just let my finish talking before you interrupt me."

"Go ahead."

"I contacted my sister, Karen, asking if she could find a black baby for me as quick as possible. I didn't care about the gender. She later called me saying that a contact of hers at the Kalin Heights clinic knows of a teenager that's indecisive about keeping their baby and that the teens parents don't even know they are pregnant.

Karen felt that this would be easy we'd convince the teen to give up the baby. Karen asked the nurse when was the teen's next appointment so she could ambush them. I don't know what happened on Karen's side but 3 days later she came to me with signed adoption papers saying the child was mine as soon as they were born.

When the baby was born the mother changed their mind but Karen tricked them into thinking the contract was already sealed, I was there when she did this. I took the baby and left I don't know what happened with the mother or Karen after that." Em finished narrating.

"Jesus! What the fuck Em you lied about the baby and being an Orphan."

"I didn't lie about being an Orphan my parents are dead. Well they died last year 😕  and I just didn't tell you about my sister because she racist and we aren't really close" she responded.

"How the fuck aren't you close if she helped you basically manipulate a confused child into giving up their baby when clearly they wanted to keep her."

"But it worked out in the end though."

"No it didn't Em! Amor's mother has been looking for her you committed a crime. I'm done you're going to jail."

"No you can't turn me in you promised!" Em cried while panicking.

"I lied." While I walked away to go get Amor from her room I spoke into the microphone, "I'm done you can come in now." Just as I was about to turn the corner I felt a sharp object pierce into my back.

I turned to see what hit me and I saw Em holding a fire poker. As she was about to deal me a final blow Officer Cross stormed in shooting Em in the hand to disarm her. Anger flashed in her eyes.

Offer Cross tackled her to the ground and put handcuffs on her reading her, her rights. While on the ground I felt the back of my shirt stick to my back due to someone wetness. Before I could inspect why my back was wet I heard Amor screaming when she saw me. I tried to stand up to reach her and calm her down but before I even had the chance I passed out.

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