Chapter 15

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I work at Cross & Co. Which is a prestigious law firm I just so happen to be one of the top lawyers there. 2 weeks ago the owner of Cross & Co ,Mr. Noah Cross, asked if I would handle cases concerning his family and who was I to refuse. Plus this is a great way to showcase my skill so I can one day make partner.

My workload for today was to track down some woman named Karen Carinson, and go through Syre Nordic's adoption files. I chuckled a little when I read saw the surname Carinson, what are the odds of someone having the same maiden surname as my wife since she's an Orphan.

I was going through Syre's adoption contract when a few things popped up to me. The contract Syre signed was not legally binding due to Syre being a minor and not having a guardian present, he changed his mind so even if he signed he still had rights so this indicates cohesion from Karen and lastly this is not a valid adoption certificate.

When I looked into the city database there was no record of the adoption ever being registered with the city, which was suspicious. After much digging I discovered that the so-called adoption agency Karen Deborah Carinson ran was a fake there was no adoption agency.

As a lawyer I had practically seen it all so this wasn't so shocking. I continued to read though Syre's file when I received an email. I don't like leaving emails unread so I opened the email and what I found was shocking. The email was from Sincere Ivan Nordic attached to the email was a picture of my daughter my 2 year old baby that was born premature and I never got a chance to be there for her birth.

I was stunned, honestly what was happening. I looked at a picture of Syre and Amor and I could see the resemblance. And after reading Syre's file and seeing he had been stalking his own child for 2 years  because he never wanted to let her go and was basically manipulated into giving her up was painful.

I sat in silence for about an hour processing what I just read when I heard a knock at the door, leading me out of my thoughts.

"You may enter." I said.

In through the door walked in Keith, the firms private investor, with a folder I'm his hand.

"I just got back into the office. I found all the information I could get concerning her and I don't think you're going to like it." Keith said.

"At this point there's nothing you could have found thar could beat what I just discovered." I responded.

"Just read what's in the folder before you say that." Keith said whole leaning on my wall next to the door way.

"Okay." I took the folder from Keith and started reading the contents.

Name: Karen Deborah
Surname: Carinson
Date of birth: 13 January 19XX
Siblings: Previously know as Emma-Lee Taylor Carinson now goes by the surname Banks
Criminal record: Deborah has been under investigation for kidnapping children and adopting them off to families that didn't pass the city's exam when they applied to be parents. It is believed that her sister Emma-Lee has been involved in her schemes. From lack of sufficient evidence a case against them was never able to be opened.

I finished reading. I was stunned I couldn't believe it my wife of 3 years has been lying to me all this time. I wanted to breakdown crying.

"I'm sorry man, finding out your wife lied about her family and might be doing shady dealings that must be too much to take in." Keith said.

I could only respond with, "Nah it's finding out your daughter is not actually yours and you wife might have played a role in tricking a confused 15 year old into giving up a baby they had every intention of keeping."

"Well damn. You're going to need to report this to Mr. Cross you're too close to the case. I mean you have a personal interest so it could be bad for the client."

"You don't have to worry about the personal interest thing. Everything kinda makes sense now. Why she doesn't look like me or Emma-Lee, why Emma-Lee doesn't treat her like a daughter and why there's always an extra amount of money in our joint savings account. Things make sense now. Obviously I'm shocked that my daughter isn't mine but I'm happy she isn't. I've barely been in her life since she was born and I never felt a connection to her. It's a shit thing to say but it's the truth. I'm going to make sure Syre gets his daughter back and Emma-Lee and Karen pay for there crimes."

Just as I was done speaking I heard Mr. Nordic clear his throat, "At least you're willing to give me grandbaby back without a fight. If not I was going to take it to the streets."

"So you knew all of this before you even gave Mr. Cross the necessary details." Keith asked.

"Obviously I wanted to give Mr. Banks a chance to do the right thing if not he was in for a shit storm."

"I guess you've just saved your ass Josh." Keith responded.

"Well thank you? I guess I'm going to make sure we get justice for Amor and Syre."

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Keith Northerland
Single Parent
Aloe and Ava's 'mother'

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