Chapter 7

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Mention of Sexual Assault

I looked up from my shaking hands to see regret in my mother and sister's eyes and pure rage in my father and brother's eyes. My friends gave me a reassuring smile encouraging me to continue. I took a deep breath.

"I started to panic and ran to the door but Devin caught me before I could make it to the door. He grabbed me by my arm and threw me on to the floor. I landed of my right hand which caused it to break.

I tried to crawl into the bathroom that was in the room if I got in there maybe I could call for help. Unfortunately I was not so lucky. As I was frantically crawling away Devin grabbed me my hair and tossed me onto the bed.

"I thought you'd enjoy this fag. Isn't this what guys like you want." I was stunned I didn't want this I wanted to go home to a safe space. I cried begging Devin to let me go I promised I wouldn't tell anyone if he just let me go.

He laughed with venom in his throat obviously indicating he had no intention of letting me go. Realizing talking and running wasn't going to save me I decided to fight. Honestly that was not my brightest moment." I chuckled a bit when saying that last part.

"Devin beat my ass black and blue after I landed 3 kicks and a punch on him. He made sure to beat me to the point of being unable to move. Which I guess was his plan from the start. Boy was I wrong that wasn't his plan.

When Devin saw I had not strength to move he started ripping off my clothes and I started to scream for help knowing it was useless because the music was too loud.

Devin slapped me telling me to shut up or he would hurt me worse if I kept screaming I resorted to more crying and begging. That didn't stop Devin. He had his way with me for what felt like hours while I laid there on the bed sobbing and screaming with blood trickling down my back side.

In that moment I just wanted to die I had to fight left in me. Eventually Devin finished spit on me and called me a cum rag as he left me there with blood and semen dripping between my legs.

I blinked a few times and passed out. When I woke up the next morning the house was empty and my body was sore. I called Thierry to come fetch me since he was our assigned bodyguard.

Thierry asked me what happened and I told him I got into a fight and not to tell you guys. Obviously King agreed believing that it was nothing serious enough to get you involved.

I got home and just laid in my room for weeks. You were gone for the month so it was easy to just stay home without having to worry about you guys finding out I was home." I said with a small smile as tears were streaming down my face.

"By the time you guys returned I started feeling sick. On the Friday of your return I went to the clinic to figure out what was wrong with me. I got to the clinic and told the nurse my symptoms. I guess in recent years there has been large cases of men falling pregnant so this didn't phase the nurse.

She took me into the ultrasound room to check if her assumption was right. And due to my bad luck she was right. I was pregnant, 4 weeks pregnant. I was stunned and asked to get an abortion. This wasn't possible because the anatomy of a men is different to a women so the medical techniques needed were not yet fully developed and the abortion for women was not 100% effective on men.

My options were few so keeping the baby and giving it up for adoption was the only option. I called Thierry to pick me up from the Starbucks down the road from the clinic so he could take me home.

On the way home I needed to figure out what my next move ways and that was my solution to move. I knew if I expressed how I felt suffocated and neglected at home and I just wanted my own space you'd let me go. Which you did without question. Honestly bad parenting on your side guys" I laughed out loud as I said that last part.

"I obviously gave you the excuse that I'm going to work on myself and I'll move back home when I feel better. Those months I was away Thierry became my support system. He took me to the clinic when needed made sure I was okay and for that I'm grateful to him.

When I was 5 months pregnant King and I stopped at the 7/11 King usually deals from to get some snacks and wait for his customers. While we were talking Saint pushed Thierry aside getting a better look at me.

He saw my stomach, looked at Thierry and me with hurt in his eyes. I guess not telling him I was pregnant might be what caused a rift in our relationship.

He never confronted me but also wouldn't respond to my messages or calls I decided to give him space to cool down. I mean I did betray his trust.

4 months later I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl I named her Amor Mars Nordic and I changed my mind about giving her up for adoption. The lawyer of the couple that was adopting her said I already signed the papers and Amor was legally there's.

I cried so hard but I had to let her go because the law is the law. They took her from me. 2 weeks later I moved back home and I guess the rest is history" I finished telling my story.

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Amor Mars Nordic 💖 ♥ Born 13 October 20XX

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Amor Mars Nordic 💖 ♥
Born 13 October 20XX

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