Chapter 8

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The room was quiet as I sat there sobbing, only Thierry knew the whole story and I only told him 4 months ago. He has been pressuring me to tell my parents and now I finally did.

In the midst of the silence I heard loud sobs I looked up only to see my mother crying her heart out.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have... I just... it's too... I'm sorry." She said as she stood up and walked away. I was surprised to say the least. The woman who never apologized when she was wrong just apologized.

"Sy, I'm hurt. I'm hurt that I couldn't protect you as your father. I'm hurt that I didn't provide a safe space for you to be able to come to me with your problems. I'm also angry, angry that I didn't even notice you were suffering. I failed you as a father." My dad finally spoke.

In my entire 17 years of life I have never seen the man so broken and defeated. My dad stood up walked towards me and hugged me so tight you'd think he was afraid I'd disappear. Before he walked away he said, "I'm not abandoning you I just need to calm down before I do something that might land me in jail." With that being said he walked away following my mother upstairs.

"When I found out about the baby I just thought Thierry was the father and Saint was mad at you because he had a crush on Thierry." Irah finally spoke up.

"You knew about the bady?" Iverson asked.

"I mean yeah the first month he was back he'd leave the house every Monday coming late. I got curious so I followed him one night. I found him and Thierry at the part 40 minutes away from here stalking some baby. I just assumed the baby was their's and they were visiting. After that it made sense to me why Saint was mad because he always referred to Sy as a backstabber and that Sy betrayed him." Irah added.

"How in the fuck did Sy betray Saint!" Xo exclaimed.

"Well. I guess it's because Saint had a crush on King I'm not entirely sure."

"Wait, what! He liked King. I didn't know why didn't he just tell me." I added.

"Let's face it Saint isn't one to think rationally take this moment for instance. He thinks Sy likes Devin so he's planning on getting with Devin." Iverson added.

"How in the hell do you know he's trying to get with Devin." Aloe asked.

Iverson shrugged and simply said " Ever so often I like to read Saint's diary and on days you guys talk he like to plan out his revenge plan." He said walking way like he didn't confess to invading someone's privacy.

"Guys you do realize Saint is at a party alone with Devin. We were practically his shield." Ava added.

"I say we leave him to the wolves. See how he likes it." Xo responded.

"Xo don't be that person. We have to go help him." Said Aloe."But first we need to tell your parents about Saint."

With that being said I rushed upstairs to my parents room explaining Saint's revenge plan and how he's at a party that Stacy, Devin's cousin is hosting. My parents got dressed quickly getting ready to leave the house.

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