Chapter 16

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After talking to Mr. Nordic and Mr. Cross about my findings and my stance with the whole situation I went to the police to hand in my findings. With the DA present I expressed not wanting to go to court to fight for custody for Amor.

After much discussion with the police and the DA we discussed getting Emma-Lee to confess on tape making the case cut and dry and hopefully we could get her to give up her sister in exchange for a lighter sentence.

I got ready to leave to DA's office wire and mic strapped to my chest. A police car followed me home parking a few houses down from mine, making it easier for them to make the arrest once we got the information we needed.

I walked into the house heading to the dining room where I'd usually find Emma-Lee drinking wine ignoring that we have a child together. Just thinking about her behavior towards Amor pisses me off, why take someone's child if you're going to mistreat them.

I rolled my eyes when I saw her on the couch completely ignoring Amor. "Hi pretty lady. Later I'm taking you somewhere fun." I cooed at Amor. I doubt Emma-Lee even heard what I said. Amor giggled, she hasn't started talking yet even though she's 2 years old.

I sighed I hope the Nordic's give her the love she deserves I thought. "Em I need to talk to you right quick."

"Uhh sure let me just take Amor upstairs she's been fussy all day."

I know damn well this bitch ain't spent a single moment with Amor today, our nanny Jasmine does all the work. "It's okay Jasmine can take her upstairs." When Jasmine walked in to the living room I whispered asking her to pack Amor's things. She nodded and left with Amor in tow.

"Joshie bear what did you want to talk about." Em asked in her high pitched voice. I knew her voice irritated me but today it just pissed me off.

"Em is Amor mine?"

"Yeah! She's yours how could you ask me that question!"

"Em I'd believe you if her DNA matched with mine."

"What the fuck you got a DNA test done on our daughter."

"Em you know damn well she's not mine. Don't pin her on me!"

"She's ours I swear!"

"That's a lie who's her father Em!?"


"STOP LYING! I want to know who you slept with, who's Amor's biological father?"

"I never slept with anyone other than you Josh." Em said crying.

"I'd believe you if the fucking DNA!!!Test said she was mine. So explain that to me Em. How is she mine when the DNA doesn't match and you're claiming you never slept with anyone else!?"

"Fine, fine, fine. I.. I can explain... I just... you can't... I mean you know.."


"You were going to leave me. I couldn't let that happen so I faked being pregnant, but as time passed you were so excited to have a baby. I mean you only married me because you thought I was pregnant. My plan to have a miscarriage was going to hurt you so I i i..."

"You what Em!"

"I... I went on the internet to see if there was a newborn biracial baby I could adopt just give you the child you wanted. I found a woman who said she could help me get a baby soon. I agreed I didn't ask questions and paid her the money in cash. Two months later she called saying the baby was born and all I had to do was collect her. Fortunately you were out of two for work so I lied and said I went into early labor that way replacing the 'baby' was easy." She said.

I couldn't believe Em could look me in the eye and lie to me like that. This woman was truly evil.

"What was the name of the woman you contacted, maybe we can find Amor's biological parents and give her back. For all you know Amor was stolen."

"No! Uhm no she wasn't stolen I'm sure of it."

"How could you be sure you only collected her."

"She said the parents give her up willingly."

"Okay if that's the case what's the woman's name I want to ask her myself."

"You don't have to ask her you need to believe me."

"Em how can I believe you when you've been lying to me for three years give me the woman's name?"

"Why it's not important Amor is ours."

"It is important. You got a baby from some dodge woman on the internet and you genuinely believe she was telling the truth. What if Amor was stolen next thing we're in jail for kidnapping. I could lose my job Em. So tell me the woman's name."

"Joshua believe me. The woman wouldn't lie to me. Her parents willingly gave her up. We can pretend she's ours and..and move on."

"Em for fucks sake tell me the woman's name!"


"I'm going to the police since you don't want to tell me, maybe they can find Amor's biological parents." I said while walking away.

"Fine, I'll tell you but... but promise me you can't get mad at me and you can't tell anyone. We can find her parents ourselves we don't have to get the police involved."

"Okay I promise." I lied through my teeth.

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