Chapter 9

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I thought I'd feel more satisfied outing Syre the way I did. I felt more hurt why would I be hurt I just wanted him to feel the same way I did when he betrayed. Maybe I don't feel satisfied because it's not his love interest. With that thought in mind I brushed off the pain in my heart and drove to Stacy's house.

Just as I arrived I got a message notification from group chat.

The Gang🤑🤪😘

Hey guys just letting you know Micah and I won't be able to make it tonight we're busy.

I'm not with the nice shit. Luca, Devin, Saint and Stacy all yall are trash 🗑 ass bitches I'm out. Enjoy your sweet Alabama ass party.

Yall we're losers anyway peace be with you Niggers.

What did Stacy do to deserve this. She's so perfect and everyone loves her.

I'm honestly glad Xo said something 😌.  I can't deal with Stacy talking in third person and the weird Alabama ass relationship them three have going on I'm out.

Wait what? Why are yall just bailing.

Them other people ain't going to tell you the truth. We only stuck around because Syre asked us to be friends with you but since Syre done with you, we done with you. Bye.

*Aloe, Xo, Ava and Micah have left the group chat*

When I tried to message them individually I realized I had been blocked. The fuck why is everything falling apart so quickly. Before I could cry I pulled myself together realizing that my target was not part of the group that left which gave me reassurance.

My phone dinged and there was a message from Devin.

I see very body bailed I hope you're at least coming ☺ to the party. The night could be even better without them.

I'm outside I'm not going to let those posers ruin my run.

After responding I couldn't shake the feeling that the message was slightly ominous. I put my phone back into my back pocket and existed my car.

The party was in full swing there were hundreds of school children attending. Stacy's party could have been considered the party of the year.

I walked into the house searching for Devin after 10 minutes of searching I finally found him in the third floor private bar drinking some Henny in a solo cup it was now or never.

"Do you want something to drink I'm sure there's juice around here somewhere." Devin offered knowing I don't drink.

"I didn't want juice. Give me what you're having." I responded as seductively as I could.

"That's a no from me, I don't need people thinking I forced you to drink."

"No I'm serious I want whatever you're drinking."

"Sy.. I mean Saint I said no this is the last time I repeat myself." He said almost angrily.

"Fine juice is okay."

"Good, here you go." He said handing me a closed bottle of cranberry juice.

After drinking the juice in silence I stared at his half empty solo cup. Devin looked a me with an evil glint in his eyes and a smirk. He walked behind the bar and pulled out another solo cup.

"You better not go around telling people I'm the one that forced you to drink." He said while pouring some Hennessey into the cup. He handed it to me and said "To a repeat of a good night."

At this point bell's were going off in my head but I pushed that feeling down thinking I only feel this way because I'm about to hurt my brother, but my need to get even was stronger than the bells.

I down the cup as quickly as I can so I don't have to taste as much of the alcohol. "Slow down there cowboy if you chug it down to fast it's gonna go straight to your head." Devin said with an evil smirk.

30 minutes or so passed and I started feeling light headed and dizzy. I couldn't stand and my whole body felt numb. I know I've never been drunk before but I'm sure it's not supposed to feel like this.

I looked over at Devin trying to get his attention when he looked up from his phone he smiled and said, "I'm glad it worked this time. With your brother had to physical just to sedate him. You on the other hand was easy."

In that moment I started to panic how could Devin do this to me ... and my brother. It was now I really wished I took Syre seriously when he told me to stay away from Devin. I only assumed he said that to keep me away from Devin because he liked Devin, boy was I wrong.

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