Chapter 1

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Needless to say since that day things were never the same between myself, Syre and Thierry. I felt betrayed and so hurt that I didn't even bother to stay and hear if they had an explanation to the whole situation.

That experience scared me I changed and I'm not sure if it was for better or for worse. I went from delicate, shy pastel boy to full on fashion forward nonchalant boy. I guess in some sense I changed to be more like Syre maybe subconsciously I hoped Thierry might like me more.

This change didn't go unnoticed by my parents. They never asked, I'm assuming that they thought this was my way of expressing that I missed my brother, which wouldn't be entirely wrong.

4 months after the situation Syre returned empty handed and with his return the cold war of the decade began. I didn't asked him where the baby was nor did I care enough. Okay I'm lying I cared I just wasn't ready to talk to him.

I should have cared because now I no longer have my best friend with me. There's nobody I can talk to about things that make up my every day life.

It was the morning of the last first day I'd have in my high school career. Yes it was senior year and I was excited. Once this year was done I was leaving this place and all it's problems and never looking back.

I had gotten ready and breakfast was the last thing I needed to attend to before I left for school.

Just like every morning I found my parents making breakfast together. This was something they did to spend more time with us before the day got hectic.

And sitting my the kitchen island was Syre munching away like he didn't have a care in the world. He saw me walk into the kitchen and looked me in the eyes. He seemed so sad and just looked like he wanted to tell me something.

But as I've done for the past two years I ignored him and walked to the kitchen counter to fix myself a plate to eat. We said there in silence until i heard someone clear their throat.

"Okay that's it! I'm tired of this bullshit it's been 2 years and I haven't heard you two speak a single sentence to each other. What happened between you two?" My dad exclaimed.

"Nothing happened, Saint just decided he never wanted to talk to me again and I'm not about to force conversation on anybody so yeah here we are." Syre said as he stood up ready to walk away.

"Sy stop walking away we're going to solve this before things get worse" mom interrupted before either of us could leave.

"Nah I'm good things can stay as they are. I don't want to be associated with back stabbers and liars even if they are you're brother." With that being said I walked out the kitchen, out the house and straight into my car.

That whole interaction left me in a sour mood and I greatly do not appreciate that.

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I just want to know if I'm on the right track.

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