Chapter 3

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I got to school ready to get this day over with. I should have just left instead of having breakfast, which I didn't even get to eat in the first place.

I walked to my locker to put my books in and just take out what I needed for my next 3 classes before lunch. As I was walking I saw my friends hanging out by the lockers seemingly waiting for me.

"Hey Sainty pooh." My friend Ava said to me. She's always so cheerful which helps when you're in a bad mood.

"You don't look to happy this morning. What's up with you?" Micah added.

"Just a shit start to the day but I'm good now." I responded.

"Good we don't you bringing down the mood for the year." Xoane added as she gave me a stank attitude. I genuinely don't know what her problem is with me nor do I care to know.

"Seriously Xo that attitude wasn't needed." Ava defended me. Which I was grateful for.

"Let's just drop this before it becomes something it shouldn't. Devin is waiting in the cafeteria for us with Luca and Stacy." Aloe interrupted.

"There was nothing to pick up." Xoane snided as she walked way.

Funny enough Xo and I used to be close up until a year ago when she started acting different toward me out of the blue.

We walked into the cafeteria and there he was Devin. The guy Syre had been so obsessed with up until I caught him with Thierry. You could see Syre still had feelings for him the way he'd stare Devin down from across the room. How he'd get worked up every time I'd mention Devin.

So this was my route to revenge I was going to get with the one person Syre has feelings for just so he could experience an ounce of betrayal. The same way I did those many years ago.

"Sup Dev?" I said trying to come off a calm as I could.

"Hi." Was all he said. Which was disheartening. I knew Dev liked Syre and I basically dressed and acted like Syre so why was he being so cold to me. The table was silent for a moment.

"Anywho. Guys! It's our last year of high school and true to Stacy fashion Stacy has decided to host a kick-off to the year party at Stacy's house. So Stacy wants all of you guys to be there." Stacy announced to the table. Yes Stacy was on of those people that referred to herself in the third person and fuck was it annoying I don't know how the rest of them put up with it.

"Yeah sure I'm in." I responded

"Not like you would refuse since you're always dick riding. Trying to be someone you're not." Xoane interjected.

"What is your problem with me? We used to be cool." I responded.

"I don't have a problem with you just who you're trying to be and that's not cute." Xoane said while shrugging.

Before I could respond Ava added "Leave him alone he's done nothing to you."

"Fine!... Trying to be someone else so bad I pray it doesn't bite you in the ass" Xoane murmured the last part so softly that only Ava and I heard it.

"Either way. So are we on for tonight?" Luca asked looking at the rest of the group.

"Yeah." We all responded.

"Great Stacy will see you guys at 20:00 at her house." Stacy added.

Just as Aloe was about to speak the bell for first period went off which lead us all to go to our individual classes. Luckily I shared most of my classes with my friends so that was going to make Senior year better.

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