Chapter 11

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I could see Syre's mouth moving but no sound came out. I blinked a few times trying to get my senses in order but there was no avail. I blinked a few more times than the room just went black.


The one sound I kept hearing repeatedly, it was getting annoying. I open my eyes but the bright light in the room blinded me. I quickly closed my eyes and started to open them slowly giving myself enough times to adjust.

Once my eyes were fully open I could see my whole family including Thierry sprawled out across the room. The only person who was awake was Syre he was staring out the hospital window.

"Do you hate me?" Out all the things I could have asked that's the one question I needed an answer for the most.

"Hate you? No but a deep dislike for the person you are yes." He responded.

"Isn't that just the same thing?" I spoke with a hoarse voice.

"It's not. If I hated you I wouldn't have bothered to go save you. I would have let Devin do the same thing he did to you and worse. So no I don't think dislike and hate are the same thing. I still have love for you despite you behaving like a little shit." Syre responded.

"Oh okay." I nodded my head turning to face my parents sleeping on the right side of the room. "Well I'm really sorry if thar counts for anything." I added.

"It's all good I'm just happy you're safe and that you're actually talking to me like you got some damn sense." I heard Syre say as he chuckled. I smiled and went back to sleep.

I woke to a nurse gently shaking me awake. I groan and say "I'm up. I'm up."

"Good morning Mr. Nordic I'm Officer Vazquez and this is my partner Officer Mitchell. We just wanted to ask you a few questions about what happened at the Jackson residence if that's okay with you."

"Sure you can ask me questions."

"What relatio..."

"When my parents are in the room. I'm a minor so talking to you without a lawyer or a guardian present isn't permitted."

You could visibly see Officers getting annoyed with my unwillingness to answer an questions they asked. Just as Officer Vazquez was about to speak my dad walked into the hospital room.

"What's going on in here?"

"Morning sir we just wanted to ask your son a few questions about what transpired at the Jackson residence." Officer Mitchell responded.

"Questioning a minor without a guardian or a lawyer present really ethical of you." My dad snided.

"That was not our inten..." Officer Mitchell tried to respond.

"Save it. If you want to talk our son wait for our lawyer to arrive." My mom interrupted.

"We just"

"You just nothing leave my son's room!" My mom screamed. Yup she's definitely passed as hell.

After 20 minutes of my mother screaming at the hospital staff. The nurses thought it would be a good idea to discharge me a day earlier. For that I was grateful I hate hospitals anyway.

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