Chapter 21

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DIALOG (Part 2)

Ava: As I was saying, I didn't want to cut Saint off so I took Sy's advice. I was going to keep being friends with Saint despite what yall said.

Saint: So why did you bail on me the night of Stacy's party if we're such good friends?

Ava: Syre's a patient understanding guy who doesn't really get mad easily and you've pissed him off over a hundred times and he's never given up on you. So for him to give up on you, you crossed his bottom line and whatever that was I knew it was bad.

And I can't support someone that goes for another person's bottom line. I'll apologize for making you feel like we weren't friends but I'm not apologizing for respecting Sy's bottom line."

Iverson: Not Ava with the bite.

Ava: No. Whatever thought you just had. No! If you and I became a thing the gene pool in this family and relationship is going to start looking like a gene puddle.

Iverson: Messaged recieved I'll back off now.

Aloe: Yeah you're hanging out with Micky too much.

Javon: I agree Ava was the sweet one. Either way anything anyone else have on their chest.

Saint: Not so much something to ask but something to say and something to ask. I've been a dick for the past 2 years and for that Sy I'm sorry. I'm also sorry for outing your situation to mom and dad. Can you'll forgive me?

Syre: Had you not run your mouth I wouldn't have my baby back so for that I forgive you, plus you're my twin we're for life. I just want one question though why were you so pressed about Thierry possibly being my baby daddy?

Iverson: I can answer that for you it's because.

Noelle: Dude let Saint answer by himself.

Iverson: That's no fun but I'll let it happen.

Saint: Fuck it I'm just going to say it. I am in love with Thierry at first it was a crush but it's been 5 years now so it's definitely love or an unhealthy obsession. Imagine if the brother you're constantly being compared to gets the guy you've been crushing on that would devastate anyone.

Syre: I did not see that answer coming but I get it and just for future reference I like my men like I like my coffee black, bitter and emotionally unavailable.

Javon: That's the longest pronunciation of Rakeem La'keith Miguel Santos I've ever heard.

Aloe: I'm sorry who is this Rakeem person. And why haven't we met him.

Syre: Don't listen to Javon, Rakeem and I are just acquaintances we barely even talk.

Saint: I barely talk to Thierry bit here I am.

Xo: I'm surprised you're even admitting your feelings out loud.

Saint: Oh I'm high and this slushy has tequila in it so you know I'm cruising right now.

Ava: Yeah I'm not sober either.

Xo: Yeah I've been tipsy for a minute.

Javon: 80% Of yall are minors you guys shouldn... Fuck it I'm not your parents.

Irah: I'm litty like a stripper titty.

Syre: I was looking after Amor but I'm not going to sit here and lie I was taking  shots most of the day.

Iverson: Bunch of junkies and alcoholics. Just kidding I'm a bit buzzed too.

Jahmere: Same.

Thierry:  So errbody here basically faded.

Micah: Nah I'm not.

Everyone excluding: What!?

Micah: Yeah I'm sobber as fuck.

Ava: Why?

Micah: Ask your brother.

*the whole group turned to Aloe*

Aloe: Huh?What? *Aloe had stopped listening to the conversation a while ago and started stuffing his face with chocolate and melted marshmellows no crackers*

Ava: You hate Marshmallows.

Aloe: I know damn blame Micky's weak pullout game.

Xo: Don't lie on my homie name like that. Micah pullout game sweet.

Saint: How would you know?

Xo: Luca can't keep a secret for shit.

Syre: You fucked Luca!

Aloe: Micah low-key a hoe.

Ava: Does Mama know?

Aloe: He's the one that gave me a pregnancy test.

Thierry: I can see that the night is whining down I'm going to go I have a few runs to make. Uhm Saint I'll call you.

With that Thierry left and not so long everyone else followed it was a successful day and a good night.

Vote and Comment

We are nearing the end of the book not going to lie the next three or four chapters may be rushed.

I'm also losing steam all these reads but hardly any votes or comments. I had so many other ideas but this book might just be my first and last.

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