Chapter 20

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DIALOG (Part 1)

This chapter is going to be in the form of a dialog instead of a narration making the conversation flow better.

Xo: So obviously from my side there are things that need to be addressed and I guess now is a good time to let it out. *deep breath* When Syre went M.I.A 3 years back a bitch was hurt, I mean you wake up one day and you're blocked on all the socials and messages. Damn bitch!

Aloe: That was faul Sy.

Ava: Loe don't interrupt.

Aloe: My bad Xo continue.

Xo:  As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, I was hurt there was not explanation at all. Saint was still around but he kept his distance it felt like without Syre there we weren't friends and that from my side was not the case.

After a few months Saint pops up dressed like Syre using his mannerisms, which was weird but I assumed this was his way of expressing that he missed his brother. This in some weird way helped him come out of his shell which was nice.

Irah: Yeah it was nice seeing my brother coming out of his shell.

*Everybody looked at Irah giving her the 'are you for real right now' look*

Irah: My bad Xo continue.

*Xo rolled her eyes and continued to speak*

Xo: Obviously being who I am, I decided to talk to Saint about the change in behavior because a girl gots to know. In the conversation I had with Saint he expressed that Syre was a backstabber that decided to just up and leave without telling anyone. Clearly Saint was hurt so I stopped questioning the whole thing.

Eventually Syre returned and things couldn't go back to the way it was. He was distant him an Saint didn't talk after a year of this cold war between them I wanted answers.

Aloe: I wanted answers too so I decided to join Xo in having a conversation with Sy *Aloe took over from where Xo left off*. I didn't think it was right for just the two of us to go so Micah and Ava joined.

Micah: For the record I didn't care about this whole Saint and Syre situation they are both my friends I just assumed they sort their shit out eventually but my baby Loe was feeling some typa way so like I said before whatever Loe wants to do I'm down.

Iverson: What kinda dick Loe dishing out for a nigga to be this whipped.

Micah: You should be asking what kinda pussy *Micah said with a smirk on his face*.

(Aloe was blushing where he sat)

Noelle: Damn bro don't be putting my friend's business out in the streets like that.

Micah: Your friends business be in my face constantly so it's my business now *he shrugged*

Thierry: Niggas stay interrupting when someone speaking.

Javon: Yoh let's get back on track. Aloe continue.

Aloe: Thanks. Now back to what I was saying. We all went to Sy to just understand what was going on and why he wasn't feeling us like that. He explained his whole situation with Devin and how when Saint saw him with Thierry months later Saint refused to even listen or talk to Sy. Which was why they were now cold towards each other, well technically it was one sided.

I speak for myself when I say this I was mad at Saint why'd he just up and ignore his twin like that. If it was Ava and I in that situation instead of getting mad that Ava upped and left without telling me and was confiding in someone else I would want to know why. It also made no sense to me why he would be that mad about Sy not confiding in him.

Ava: I think Sy leaving out that he was pregnant might have influenced our views on the situation.

Xo: I guess you might have point, but I'd still be mad at Saint. Like you for real ignoring your brother over dick. That's weak bitch shit. No offense Thierry.

Thierry: I wasn't offended before but now I am.

Xo: You'll get over it.

Thierry: You're a shit baby sister I hope you know that.

Xo: I know you don't mean that. I love you big bro.

Thierry: Whatever *he said with a smile* can yall continue.

Aloe: I was Saint's behavior as unreasonable so I wanted to either have a conversation with him or cut him off. Cutting off someone isn't something I want to do so the conversation was what I was leaning towards.

Ava: When Loe suggested that we have a conversation with Saint, Sy told us to leave it alone and just continue being friends with Saint. Which wasn't a problem for me I like Saint he's a pretty nice person to hangout with and talk too.

Saint: I guess Xo being Xo she couldn't hide her hatred towards me, that explains why she had an attitude towards me. *Saint sighed*

Xo: I didn't and still don't hate you I just felt like you were being unfair and fake. You switched up started acting and dressing like Sy over dick. That wasn't sitting well with me. Maybe I should not have been so mean to you making snide remarks and for that I apologize.

*Everyone by the bonfire gasped. Xo actually admitted her wrong doing AND apologized*

Nadia: Look at my baby she's growing.

Jahmere: Dia just bury that dream Xo been curving you for years.*he said while laughing*

Xo: Nah let her keep trying she looking kinda cute in this bonfire light.

*the group burst into laughter*

Thierry: Not Xo doing a whole 180 after screaming from the top her lungs 'I ain' gay!' You funny sis.

Xo: I'm not I'm straight as hell just a little bit Lesbian for Dia.

Syre: I did not see that one coming.

*The group erupted in more laughter*

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