Chapter 18

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For the past week dad has been moving different which really concerned us, well all us except mom. The empty room next to Syre's has had a bunch of people going in and out with boxes and paint I wonder what's dad doing in there.

It's Saturday morning and mom just announced that we're going to have a family BBQ later in the afternoon. I think this BBQ is mom's way of distracting herself from her marital problems that she's trying so hard to ignore.

We can see she's trying to stay strong but I'd be worried too if my husband was moving different.

13:00 rolled around and the backyard was set up for the BBQ, the grill was ready the snacks, finger foods and salads were placed on the tables. All that was left was for the rest of the family to arrive.

Mom and dad grew up in the system so they never knew their biological families but they built their own family with their friends Uncle Noah, Uncle Keith and Uncle Jason.

It was now 13:45 and everyone started arriving. Uncle Jason and Uncle Noah  with Nadia and Noelle had arrived with gifts in their hands. Javon would be here later due to work and Jahmere would also be her later as he was driving back from college that was out of state. I wonder why they brought gifts.

10 minutes later Uncle Keith arrived with Aloe, Ava, Micah and a strange man in tow. Again all of them had gifts. Is it someone's birthday. I wanted to got ask Ava but from the last interaction we had I'm sure they don't want to talk to me. As I was turning to walk away Ava, Aloe and Micah greeted me and they made a point to ask if we could talk later in the day I agreed instantly.

We smiled at each other and walked our separate ways. By 15:30 Javon, Jahmere, Xoane and Thierry had arrived the only person missing was dad. I was about to ask mom if did was coming but before I could mom spoke up.

"The last month or so has been really surprising from secrets being uncovered and bonds rediscovered. It's really been something else so on the theme of rediscovering bonds Syre can you come up here please."

I groaned and rolled my eyes thinking things are going back to the way they were before Sy left home 3 years ago. But luckily I was wrong. Mom continued.

"Since Sy told us about our grandbaby Sin has been on a mission to reunite them. Lucky enough Sin was able to handle the whole custody thing with Amor out of court. Today's party serves as a babyshower and welcome home celebration for Amor and Syre."

When my mom said Syre's name the back door leading to the backyard was opened and standing there was dad and a babbling, smiling Amor in his arms oblivious to the tears and heart warming smiles that were directed towards her.

I think she noticed dad looking behind her so she turned her head, when her eyes landed on Syre it's like she knew that was mom. Syre speed to dad and Amor when he reached her, he took her into his embrace. I hadn't seen Syre so happy.

I stood there smiling with tears in my eyes. Next thing I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see who it was, it was Thierry. I gave him a shy smile.

"I'm thinking we need to have a serious conversation." Thierry said.

"Yeah, I think we do."

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