Chapter 22

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The BBQ a month ago was really a turning point for everyone things have been great but like all good things they come to an end... I'm kidding they are just a pause.

Last week News about Devin, Stacy and Luca's rape party was spread and over 27 people came forward with similar stories like myself and Syre. When the police department found out about the many cases they decided there was enough evidence to have a cut and dry case.

Today was the day of the trial, it wasn't as exciting as I thought it be nothing I'll you see in movies. Devin was charged with 18 counts for rape and 9 counts of attempted rape he plead guilty. He got 125 years in jail with no chance of parole.

Luca plead guilty for being an accomplice to Devin's schemes, since he participated in the actual raping he got 30 years with the possibility or parole and he'd be registered as a sex offender.

However said stupid people where the luckiest people doesn't know how right they are. Although all these heinous acts took place at Stacy's house with all the evidence gathered is shows that Stacy had zero involvement and wasn't aware of what was happening.

Honestly Stacy has Jesus as a guardian angel ain't no way she didn't know. Dad said he'd handle it himself since Stacy only got off with a warning.


After the trial Devin's parents tried to sue Syre for custody of Amor but that didn't last long their lawyer contacted dad saying the Jackson's changed their mind about suing for custody. I have a feeling it had something to do with Rakeem, he was there when Syre recieved the letter from the lawyer. He disappeared for a few hours next thing the Jackson's backed down.

Later today I was meeting up with Thierry we were going to talk things out. And I was excited to say the least.

Thierry came to fetch me from my house we were going to the beach for a picnic and conversation. We got to the beach laid down the picnic blanket down and one new thing about I've learned about Thierry is that the man can not make sandwiches for shit.

"You and Xo are definitely related these sandwiches are a crime."

"I don't need to be that mean."

"I'm sorry. So.. conversation.. do you want to start?"

"Ah yeah. So I like you too, I've been liking you but I'm 5 years older than you and personally that's weird. People are going to look at me some typa away so I thought I should dead it.

But hearing you say you love me made me reconsider but not too much though. You're still a minor and even suggesting we 'talk' comes off as grooming you so I think we should wait until you graduate and take things from there.

You'll be 18 and done with school so for now we should move like we don't know each other and if the feelings are still there 7 months from now we'll go on our official first date."

"You legit left no room for a conversation or discussion."

"You're jail bait right now so the answer will be No, no matter what you say."

"Wow a decisive man I like it."

"You're playing with fire. Let me take you home."

"Before you take me home I just wanted to say something."

"Sure what is it?"

"I like flowers, gifts and being romanced. This whole 'I'm a hood nigga romance is soft' doesn't fly with me. Impress me make me want you. That's all I wanted to say."

Thierry chuckled a little as he nodded his head.

"I hear you loud Saint."

My conversation with Thierry wasn't the conversation I wanted to have but the conversation I needed to have. I can't wait for 7 months from now.

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I'm over this book the epilog is coming out later today 😒 🙄  I tried.

If I wake up in a better mood I might revise this chapter and the previous chapter or just scrap the whole thing and start a fresh.

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