Chapter 5

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After watching my brother continue to betray me I get into my car and drive home. The drive home only took 15 minutes which I was grateful for. It was only 15:15 in the afternoon so it would be a while before anyone got home.

I decided to have a late lunch since I haven't eaten for the day, do my homework for an hour and take a nap just so I could be free and freshed for tonight's party.

I woke up from my nap at 17:45 roughly indicating I slept for an hour. I decided to take a quick shower and freshen up for later tonight.

Once I was done I heard a knock on my door I opened to see my mother "Sweetie dinner will be ready in an hour so freshen up." I had a puzzled look on my face couldn't she see I just came out of the shower since I was wet and wrapped in a towel.

I only nodded my head indicating I heard her and closed my door as she turned to leave. I got dressed just so once dinner was done I'd leave immediately.

By 18:30 I was ready so I walked down stairs to sit at the dining room table and wait for our housekeeper to serve the dinner mom and dad cooked. More like mom cooked and dad stood there 'supervising'.

I made to my seat noticing Syre wasn't here yet. When we were younger I'd always ask where he was but right now I'd be happy if I never saw him again.

"Saint have you seen Syre?" Iverson asked. This boy knows damn well I don't not fuck with Syre like that. I looked at him and rolled my eyes indicating I wasn't even going to respond to his dumb as question.

"Sai..." Just as he was about to respond Syre walked in with bloodshot eyes. He looked so broken. For a split second I felt my heart go soft but I snapped out of it and remarked "Trouble in paradise?"

"Seriously Saint not right now I'm not in the mood."

"Not being in the mood didn't stop you all those years ago."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean!?"

"You know what it means." I responded.

"Actually I don't know could you enlighten me."

"What I mean is tha..."

"Boys stop bickering you're going to ruin dinner." Mom interjected.

Syre rolled his eyes at me and sat down. Dinner was filled with the usual ramblings of how everyone's day went and how the first day of school was. Eventually it was Syre's turn to share the happenings of his day.


The room went silent and I felt eyes on me. I looked up from my plate with clearly a confused facial expression. Nobody seemed to take notice except for Imani so she continued to ask "Sysy how was your day?"

I didn't have the mental strength to lie so I just broke down crying saying I was tired and drained and I just can't do this anymore. This obviously shocked my family excluding Saint. They were so used to me being put together.

After a moment of silence Saint's aggravating self just had to say something smart "I'm guessing dick from your baby daddy couldn't bring your mood up."

I was shocked where did all this nastiness come from why was he being like this. Before I could respond my father asked "Baby daddy! What baby daddy Saint?"

Saint looked our dad right in the eye and said something I had been working up the nerve to tell them myself "Oh you didn't know Syre has a 2 year old baby that him and his Bady daddy are looking after."

I was so stunned I couldn't even talk. In my silence I heard my parents interrogating me. I just sat there tears streaming down my eyes. Saint clenching his fists and breathing heavily waiting for me to respond to our parents.

"I can explain" was all I said before my mother slapped me and told me to go to my room. I saw the smile on Saint's face as I walked up the stairs. As I turned the corner I heard Saint say "I'm leaving don't expect me back tonight."

I walked into my room and slammed the door locking it I was so over this family. I unlocked my phone to message Ava, Xo, Aloe and Micah.

Only Fams 😘🥰👀

Honestly fuck Saint I'm done.

I'm glad you finally came to your senses.

I'm sure you don't mean that.

No I mean it he can look after himself.

I'm cool with whatever Loe cool with.

We are going to ditch the party 🥳  and got to Syre's house for our own chill session.

Guys that's cold we promised we'd go.

Not anymore. Saint is grown he can handle himself.

I put my phone down getting ready to change so I can wait for my friends to arrive. While I was changing these was a knock on my door. I opened it standing there was my...

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