Chapter 6

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of Sexual Assault

Imani and Sinade standing at my door way with a first aid kit, ice pack, their favorite teddy bear and ice-cream. That instantly cheered me up. Just knowing that they saw me get slapped and wanted to cheer me up.

"Let me fix your boo boo so we can eat ice-cream." Imani chimed."Here's Doctor bear to make you feel better." Sinade followed. I let them into my room so they could do what they needed to do.

I sat on my on the floor so they could have better access to my face. Imani took out a barbie band-aid out of the first aid kit and put on my cheek. She gave me the ice pack to ice it down. The band-aid wasn't needed but I just let her be.

Sinade sat next to me handing me the bear for comfort and the ice-cream to eat. We sat in silence for about 20 minutes before my father walked into my room.

"Your mother is calm now. I want you to come back downstairs so you can explain yourself." I looked in his eyes thinking I'd see anger but no he was concerned and just wanted to give me a chance to come clean.

"Okay I'll be there now I'm just going to take Mani and Nade to their room."

"Make it quick."

I took my sisters to their room and put on some pj masks to keep them busy. I walked out of their room closed the door and took a deep breath. I walked down the stairs back to the dining room to see my mom, dad, Iverson and Irah. I sat down on the chair furthest from everyone.

It was quiet for some time. "Okay explain." My mom said venom laced in her words.

"No Iyonna give the boy some time to collect his thoughts." My dad chimed in.

"Fine." My mom said rolling her eyes.

I took a deep breath and exhaled when I felt I was calm enough I started to talk.

"It was the first year of high scho.."

"Seriously you were whoring yourself out it Freshman year." My mom interrupted me.

"STOP! Iyonna that was uncalled for let the boy fucking speak this is the last time you'll interrupt him." My mom rolled are eyes indicating that she understood.

"Like I was saying it was Freshman year and I ..." another interruption happened and this time it was my friends storming into the front with snacks in tow.

"Damn it! Why yall always interrupting a person when they trying to speak." My dad bellowed.

"Sorry sir we just wanted to come cheer Sysy up." Ava responded.

"We're having an important family discussion I don't think I'd okay with Syre if you're here." My dad said.

"Not it's fine they can stay. I mean they partly know the story either way."

"Fine take a seat."

Once my friends were all seated I continued the story.

"It was freshen year and I was excited to meet new people. I met Devin, Luca, Xo, Loe, Ava, Stacy and Micah we became close friends. As the year went on Devin and I started texting getting to know each other.

Months passed, Devin and I began dating. But I quickly realized that Devin didn't like me the same why I liked him so I broke off the relationship. I mean if someone has the look of disgust every time they see you you're bound to get the message." I snickered.

"He agreed and we split on what I thought was amicable terms. We continued to be friends but it just seemed like Devin started to actually hate me.

I ignored it thinking maybe he was just mad that I broke up with him. Sophomore year began and Stacy decided to host a kick-off party for the school term. Stacy is not a party person so this was obviously weird.

But being friends I agreed to go. I should have stayed home." At this point tears started to well up in my eyes. I wiped the stray tears away and continued with the story.

"I got to the party and immediately when I walked in Devin had a grin on his face and offered me a drink. I readily agreed because 'he wouldn't spike me' or so I thought.

I guess luck was on my side that night as I was about to drink the cup of juice Devin handed to me. Some bumped into me resulting in me spilling my drink. I went to the kitchen to pour myself a new cup and as I was drinking Devin walked in seeing me finish the juice.

I think he thought I has drank the juice he gave me. About 30 minutes pass and Devin is looking at me suspiciously like he's waiting for something to happen. Eventually he asks me if I'm feel dizzy or light headed I responded say no I was fine.

I could visibly see him getting angry. He took a deep breath took out his phone and said he got a message from Luca asking him if he could bring some snacks up. Thinking nothing of it I agreed to help him take snacks to the second floor of the house.

When we got to a room that supposedly Luca was in Devin slammed the door shut. I was startled by this so I told him I felt uncomfortable being stuck in a room with him and I wanted to leave. He wouldn't let me"

At this point tears were furiously streaming down my face and I was hyperventilating but I needed to calm down so I could finish the story.

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