Chapter 4

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When I got to school nothing was different I got to speak to Ava and Xoane briefly before the day was over. Although we didn't hangout together at school I was very much still friends with them.

"Your brother is an idiot." Said Xo.

"I know but there's really isn't much I can do about though."

"Yes there is you could tell him and all this could be over with."

"He can't stand being in the same room with me what makes you think he would listen to me."

"He would listen if you tied him to a chair. He'd have no choice but to listen." Xo said angrily.

"I'm going to tell my parents and hopefully they can talk to him."

"Finally. When you tell them this whole thing of acting as bodyguards to a whole grown human will stop." Aloe and Ava finally added after. Even when they don't act like siblings their twinstict tends to kick in.

"Yeah fine just continue to look out for him even if he hates me." I added before I walked out heading to my last period for the day.

The final bell rung for the end of day. I rushed out of class ready to see her again. I basically sprinted out of the school heading to King's car.

I opened the passengers side door to get in and just as I closed the door King handed me a McDonald's bag and a drink. Which I was grateful for since breakfast was the last meal I ate.

I said thank you and as we were driving off I felt someone's eyes on me. I looked back out the window to see Saint angrily glaring at me. He only gave me that look whenever I was with Thierry, I wonder why.

I turned back in my seat to eat my meal when King spoke up "How's Saint been these days?"

"I wouldn't know he's still not talking to me. Actually I should be asking you how he is since every time you meet he runs his mouth."

"You sounding a bit bitter there love."

"Of course I'm bitter my twin doesn't want to talk to me or even look at me, but he can talk to everyone like there's no problem. What did I do to him!!" I exclaimed crying. I was so tired I just wanted my best friend back.

"Sorry I didn't mean to trigger you like that."

"It's fine I'm just so tired."

"Well get untired because we're here."

I finally looked up from my food and realized we were at the park. The park I'd also come to every 2 weeks for the past 2 years just to see her. Obviously I never approached her because her adoptive parents wanted a closed adoption and didn't want her to know about me. That hurt but I thought it was what was best for me.

Thierry and I existed the car to get closer but not too close. She looked so beautiful, my baby. I wish I had kept her but I was too confused and broken to think straight. Now here I am stalking my own child.

I felt something wet drip on to my hand. I finally realized I was crying, I hadn't cried since I gave her up why was I crying now.

King put his hand on my shoulder and asked "Sy you good?" I could only respond with "no I'm not."

We stayed at the park watching her play with her toddler friends until, who I'm guessing is her nanny, decided to take her home. Once they left the park Thierry and I decided it was time to leave.

On the way home I stared out the window silently crying. I can't go on like this I just can't.

"I... I... I want my baby back King."

"You know exactly what you need to do to get her back Sy ain't nothing stopping you, but yourself. We have this conversation every time you see her but you never to anything about it. Get your shit together. "

"I know. I know. I will."

"Good! Do it!"

"I will. This time I will."

"Once you do maybe Saint can actually be open to being with me. Getting low key curved sucks."

I wiped the tears from my eyes and laughed. Thierry always knew what to say when I'm feeling down.

I finally got home ready to lay it all bare to my family. Not today but soon and hopefully everything would fall into place.

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