Chapter 19

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The moment I held Amor in my arms I felt complete, I finally had my baby back. I turned around walking back into the backyard with my baby in my arms and my father behind me. While walking the strange man Uncle Keith came with approached me.

"Hi Syre, I'm Joshua Banks, I've been Amor's father for the past 2 years. I honestly didn't know she wasn't mine when I found out I wanted nothing more than to give her to her parents. I've been a shit father and my wife wasn't a good mother either. Reuniting you two was the best final decision I could make for Amor as her father.

I already explained to your dad that she's mute so maybe her being with you could get her to talk."

"Amor isn't mute she talks." I added much to Joshua's surprise.

"Huh? How? When?" He responded.

"I'm sure dad explained I've been stalking Amor. During that time I befriended your nanny Jasmine I'd spend time with her, she calls me bubby. That's why she's so comfortable with me." Just as I said that Amor started talking.

"Bubby duce (juice)."

Joshua smiled and said "I see." He hugged Amor giving her a kiss on the forehead and whispered "I love you butterfly."

"Ah wub ou uttafly." Amor responded. Joshua smiled and walked back to where Uncle Keith was sitting.

I spent the rest of the day with Amor in my arms the thought of letting her go scared me. It took a lot of convincing from my parents for me to put her to bed so she could sleep comfortably.

"Sy we're just going to put her in her room you can't keep holding her. I promise she's not going anywhere." My mom spoke softly.

"Her room? Where is it? Is she going back with Joshua?" I asked rapidly with tears threatening to fall.

"No, no honey. The room next to yours is Amor's. Relax she's staying here." My mom responded quickly.

"Oh, okay.. uhm.. can I lay her down in my bed?"

"Yeah sure that's okay."

I walked upstairs to my room and put Amor down in my bed. I put her in the center of the bed making sure she has enough room to move without falling off. I tucked her in and gave her a kiss on the forehead. I haven't been so happy in a while.

I saw my dad walk in my room holding two baby monitors.

"I know Amor's technically not a baby but she's new here so if she wakes up and you're not here she might feel scared and cry. This..." he said showing me the monitors.

"Is to take with you when you're not in the room with her."

"Thanks dad." I said hugging him. I left one monitor in the room and took the other. We went downstairs the BBQ was whining down, the adults were gathered in outside mini bar and the teenagers and young adults were around the bonfire making smores.

I walked up to the bonfire area getting ready to sit. When I sat down Nadia had something to say "Let bitch change schools next thing you know shit goes down yall need to spill."

"I serious conversation needs to be had." Ava added.

"I got so much shit to say I think I'll go first." Said Xo.

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