Chapter 2

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I just don't get it, it's been 2 years and Saint still refuses to even talk to me. I don't know what I did to him, if he could just tell me I'd apologize to him.

There stood my parents and the rest of my siblings shocked to Saint's response I on the other hand wasn't shocked that was Saint's standard reply when I'd ask why he either avoids me or ignores me.

"No seriously what the fuck Sy! What happened between you and Saint? You guys used to be so close what happened?" My younger brother, Iverson asked.

I shrugged and responded "I wish I knew. If I did know I'd do everything in my power to fix it but Saint doesn't want to talk to me."

"Maybe if you just told everyone what happened to you three years ago all of this could have been avoided" My sister Irah muttered under her breath.

Luckily only I heard her which lead me to glare at her. She lifted her hands up in surrender but you could see she hoped someone heard her.

I looked up to see my father looking at me intently like he wanted to say something but he shook his head and decided to say nothing.

"I'm just going to go to school before this day gets any worse." I murmured as I walked out the kitchen up to my room to get my bag for the day.

As I walked into my room I heard my message notification go off.

Sup, just checking if we're still on for this afternoon.

Yeah, we are I just need to give my parents an excuse.

Why haven't you told your parents yet it's been 2 nearly 3 years...

You know why. Plus it really doesn't concern them.

They are your parents I'm pretty sure it does but I ain't going to say shit.

Damn why you trying to make feel bad.

I mean half the shit you call problems could be solved if you just told your parents.

Why are you and Irah on my case about this. Let it go.

You involved me in this so I can't let it go. Tell your parents soon or I will. This whole situation is fucking up my chances.

Fine I'll tell them by Wednesday.

With that I placed my phone into my pocket, picked up my bag and rushed down stairs to hitch a ride with my mom since King would be fetching me after school was done for the day.

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