Chapter 13

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I never expected that Saint felt that way I mean he wasn't wrong but it's great to finally have it out in the open. We all still laughing hard until mom cleared her throat I guess she had something to say.

"From the bottom of my heart of my heart I wanted to apologize to each one of you. I'm sorry. I always wanted to be a better mother than my mother was and from this conversation I realized I'm not better I'm really sorry. Syre I'm sorry I alienated you from your siblings I just thought I was helping you nurture your talent I should have included all of you because now I know each of you have your strong points I'm sorry for over looking them.

Sy I'm also sorry about saying those awful things to you not just as a mother and but as a person I should nor said those things especially since I know the pain of such things being said to me too. I so sorry would you find it in your heart to forgive me."

"I forgive you mom." I responded.

"Thank you Sy. Saint, Irah, Iverson I know this my feel like I'm lumping you all together and for that I'm sorry. I'm also sorry about being neglectful I should have been better. I'm sorry it took such an extreme event for us to sit down to talk it out. Moving forward I hope not to repeat that behavior and I can become a better mother. I love you all so much and I hope you guys can find it in you to forgive me.

I love you all equally well technically I love your father a bit more but that's not the point I love you guys and moving forward don't be to shy or scared to call me out when I'm steer off the course."

"I for one will never pass up an opportunity to call anyone out on their bullshit." Irah interjected.

We all laughed and hugged but dad was a bit to quiet for me liking I looked to the side to see dad deep in thought. "Dad are you okay over there." I asked catching everyone's attention.

"No, yeah, kinda wait I'm... something is just not adding up."

"What's not adding up?" Iverson asked.

"Amor... the whole adoption thing ain't adding up. One how do can a minor sign contracts without the presence of a guardian or parent there. Two you have 3 months to change your mind when you give your child up and Syre changed his mind when he gave birth. The last thing is who was lawyer and how did you pick the family?" Dad directed his last question at me.

"It was at my 7 month check up and some white lady approached after hearing my conversation with Thierry and what my next move was. She asked me a bunch of questions and said she specializes in adoption law. Took that as a sign to give the baby up." I responded.

I shamefully added, "I.. I never got to meet the adoptive parents but every time I see her she's with her nanny."

"I'm so tempted to point out your stupidity right now but I can see you're realizing you're stupid." Irah added.

"I was 14/15 years old and confused what do you expect." I responded.

"For you to make better choices seeing as you are the oldest. Plus bitch I'm 15 and I'm sure I could have made a better choice" Irah interjected.

"Well damn hurt my feelings why don't you."

"I'm sorry I'm still learning to be nicer to all you animals."

"It's fine at least you know how to apologize." Irah and I laughed and hugged it out. It feels good to have fixed my bond with my siblings.

Dad interrupted and said, "Give me that lawyer's name I'm going to have Jason and Noah investigate her something don't sit right with me."

"Oh, okay hers name is Karen Deborah Carinson."

"Well that's a tragic name." Iverson and Saint couldn't help but say simultaneously.

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I'll only be updating the rest of the story sometime next week so let me know your thoughts what direction you'd like to see this story go

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