The End Part 1

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12 Years Later


It's been 12 years and a lot has happened Amor is now 14 years old. I'm so happy I got to see my baby grow up. I never went back to singing and dancer I decided to become a Psychologist which was the best decision ever.

Remember when Devin's parents tried to get custody of Amor but later changed their mind, well Rakeem did that which shocked me because why would he go out of his way to help me. He's been in the picture as Amor's father figure since that incident.

Needless to say our relationship began when I turned 18 and now we've been married for 7 years. Rakeem felt that having kids yet was not a priority. He wanted us to spend as much time with Amor as the only child before we have more.

He felt that he didn't want Amor to feel excluded and with enough time she'll understand that he is her father without reservations. Which is what lead us to today's celebration, when Amor turned 14 were started trying and today we wanted to announce that we were expecting.

Which was amazing I was still anxious about having more children I mean I wasn't in the picture the first two years of Amor's life so will I even be a good parent of a new born. Rakeem also took over from my father so our lives are still entangled with dad's shady business, which isn't helping with my anxiety.

Honestly I'm hoping for the best. Rakeem and Amor keep assuring me that everything will work out. I really appreciate them.

Rakeem La'keith Miguel Santos

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Rakeem La'keith Miguel Santos

Rakeem La'keith Miguel Santos

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Amor Mars Santos


12 years ago I didn't wait for graduation to make a move on Thierry. The day of my 18th birthday I asked him out on a date with minimal effort in convincing him of course. He agreed and on my graduation day I said fuck it let's get married and we did get married.

It's been a wonderful 11/12 years of marriage. Thierry and I opted not to have children they wouldn't fit into our lifestyle. We were both busy and always traveling, I became an actor, fashion designer and model, Thierry decided to quit the game and became a rapper. So having a child wouldn't benefit us and the child would have been neglected by us. So being the rich uncles worked best for us.

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