Chapter Two: Cats Out of the Bag

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The hospital doors swung shut behind me as I trudged up the stairs to the parking garage. My black Ford waited for me, blending in with the long line of vehicles. I finally spotted it and hurried over, clutching the folder to my chest. Unlocking the door, I slid inside and locked it again, exhaling a sigh of relief. Amidst all the chaos, a small reprieve. I'd gone from delivering a baby to potentially saving the world with strangers. I glanced at the folder my father had given me, sitting ominously on the passenger seat. Reluctantly, I picked it up and opened it, skimming through the information on Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, and finally, myself.

Name: Emily Alexandrea Johnson

Age: 28

Known living relatives:

Father: Anthony Mark Johnson

Brother: Jonathan Christopher Johnson

Abilities: Cytogenesis and Cytokinesis

I couldn't read more before throwing the folder in the backseat, not wanting to delve deeper. Gripping the steering wheel, I tried to steady my emotions. I noticed a thin sheet of ice forming on the wheel and gasped, forcing the ice back. I looked at Bruce Banner's picture and muttered, "Well, I could have it a lot worse," before starting the car.

Then I realized my father hadn't given me a destination. Overwhelmed, I banged my head on the steering wheel and groaned. My phone chimed, and I fished it out of my coat pocket. Of course, it was from my father.

Hey! I forgot to tell you where to go. Below is the address where a Quinjet will pick you up! Love, Dad.

I laughed, realizing he hadn't changed despite being one of Nick Fury's right-hand men. I input the address into my GPS and drove off. As I hit the highway, I reflected on how I ended up here. I had tried so hard to distance myself from my past and those who created it. But now, I was diving back in, determined not to follow my brother's dark path.

My thoughts were interrupted as I approached the Quinjet. I parked on the dirt road, taking a moment to embrace my powers before concealing them again. I smiled to myself, unable to contain the bounce in my step. I patted my jacket to make sure I had my keys and phone, then closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and focused.

The tingling sensation started in my fingertips, spreading through my hands and into my feet. With a wave of my hand, the ground ten feet below became a solid sheet of crystal-clear ice. I chuckled, looking down at my creation, and took a moment to steady myself. I moved my feet in an ice-skating motion, hands extended in front of me to maintain balance as I glided forward.

I laughed out loud, feeling the exhilaration of using my powers freely. I spun in the air, leaping from one ice path to the next, savoring the cold and the rush of wind against my face. The intricate ice pathways I created shimmered in the sunlight, each one more elaborate than the last. I hadn't felt this free in ages.

Too soon, I saw Phil Coulson standing in front of the Quinjet, watching my approach with a mixture of amusement and awe. I landed gracefully in front of him, my feet touching the ground with a soft thud.

"Woah there, Elsa!" Phil greeted me with a grin.

I laughed, looking up at the man I considered family. "Ha-ha, very funny. I parked far, and I didn't feel like walking the whole way, so I thought, why not test out the old path?"

As we walked up the ramp to the jet, I turned around and raised my hand. The ice paths I'd created began to melt, transforming into streams of water that trickled down to the runway, leaving nothing behind but a wet trail.

"Alright, I see your point," Phil said, chuckling. He stopped halfway up the ramp, causing me to stop and look at him.

"It won't just be you and me. Captain Rogers is aboard."

I smirked, "That's fine by me. Will you be okay?"

"Oh yeah, totally cool," he replied, clearly excited.

I entered the main cabin and saw Captain Rogers. He looked up, met my eyes, and stood to greet me. He extended his hand, and as I shook it, I felt an electric shock. His face showed shock, too, but he quickly regained his composure.

"Ma'am, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Steve Rogers."

"Nice to meet you, Captain. I'm Emily Johnson, and please don't call me ma'am," I said, laughing.

"Right, no ma'am," he said, blushing slightly. We realized our hands were still connected and quickly let go. I laughed as I sat next to him, trying to make him feel at ease. He returned to watching videos on a tablet while I checked my phone.

Twenty minutes later, I noticed the tablet playing a video of me fighting my brother. "That isn't me anymore," I said. Steve quickly turned off the screen, apologizing.

"It's ok, you can keep watching it. You'll miss all the good parts," I told him, trying to lighten the mood.

He hesitated but put the tablet away. "It doesn't upset me; I just hope no one thinks of me like that when they meet me."

"They won't. They'll give you a chance. And if not, you'll still have me by your side," Steve assured me.

"Thanks, Captain Rogers."

"Please, just call me Steve," he insisted.

"Okay, thank you, Steve," I said, making him smile.

"Hey, why don't we look at the videos of the other members?" I suggested, peering at the tablet again.

"Alright, where do we begin?" He handed me the tablet.

I scrolled through the videos and stopped at one of the Hulk at Culver University. As we watched, Phil joined us. Steve asked about Banner's attempt to replicate the serum used on him.

"A lot of people tried. You were the world's first superhero. Banner thought gamma radiation might hold the key to unlocking Erskine's original formula," Phil explained.

"Remind me not to mess with him. I don't even think I could hold him back," I said, watching the Hulk's rampage.

Phil chuckled. "When he's not the Hulk, he's like Stephen Hawking."

"Stephen Hawking is just a really smart guy," I explained to Steve.

Phil then expressed his admiration for Steve, leading to an awkward exchange. I watched, amused, as Phil continued to make a fool of himself.

"I mean, I was present while you were unconscious from the ice. It's just a huge honor to have you onboard," Phil said.

Steve looked out the window. "Well, I hope I'm the man for the job."

"Oh, you are. Absolutely. We've made some modifications to the uniform. I had a little design input," Phil said.

"The uniform? Aren't the stars and stripes a little old-fashioned?" Steve asked.

"With everything that's happening, people might need a little old-fashioned," Phil replied. He then looked at me. "And don't worry, Emily, your father updated your uniform too."

I rolled my eyes, knowing my father probably designed a uniform for himself as well. My phone chimed again—it was my father.

Have you landed yet? I want to show you your uniform. – Love, Dad.

I messaged back, Looks like we'll be landing soon.

As we approached the base, I asked Steve if he was excited to get back into it.

"It will be a good distraction, that's for sure," he replied.

"Just remember, if it all becomes too much, you have a friend here," I said, meeting his eyes.

He seemed about to say something, but the pilot announced our imminent landing.

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