Chapter Seven: Lies

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I began walking down the hall of the hovercraft, slowly making my way back to the bridge. As I approached, I saw my father trying to swat away a little grey storm cloud. Coulson stood by his side, helping to contain the pile of snow gathering around them. I moved closer and, with a wave of my hand from right to left, caused the cloud to disappear. Both men turned their attention to me.

"Was that really necessary?" my father questioned as he wheeled up to me, stopping just a couple of inches away.

"I don't know, was it necessary to watch over me and Steve?" I challenged back with a smirk.

My father let out a sigh, looking up at me. "I'm only looking out for you," he said, his voice tinged with desperation.

I nodded in mock understanding, thinking about the conversation I had just been part of and wondering what my father could have done. "I know," I said with a smile, placing my hands behind my back as I walked away.

"Where are you going now?" he asked, the wheels of his chair following me as I exited the bridge and headed back down the hallways of the hovercraft.

I didn't acknowledge my father as we walked through the halls. Eventually, we found ourselves standing in front of the lab. We both watched and listened to Fury's irritated grumbling inside. I looked down at my father, seeing the plea in his eyes for me to stop. Ignoring it, I stepped into the lab, standing beside Agent Romanoff. She was observing Tony and Bruce, though her eyes lingered on Bruce for a long time. I folded my arms over my chest and glanced up at Thor as he came to stand beside me. My father wheeled in next, stopping beside Fury. I rolled my eyes at the action, focusing on the weapon on the table beside Steve, who looked at the director and assistant of S.H.I.E.L.D. with a furrowed brow.

"Rogers, we gathered everything related to the Tesseract," Fury tried to explain, one hand on his side, the other flicking through the air. "This does not mean that we are making—"

"I'm sorry, Nick, Anthony," Tony quickly interrupted, turning a computer screen towards both men. It displayed documentation and schematics for Tesseract-powered weapons. My eyes widened as I looked at my father, who avoided my gaze, his mouth a thin line as he stared at the screen. I crossed my arms, trying to hide the mist forming around my hands, the hurt and anger coursing through my veins. "What were you lying about?"

"I was wrong, Director," Steve stated, meeting Fury's gaze as Bruce glanced at Romanoff. "The world hasn't changed a bit."

"Did you know about this?" Bruce asked Agent Romanoff, who arched a brow.

"Do you want to think about removing yourself from this environment, doctor?" Romanoff questioned while watching Bruce walk over to the computer screen, pointing to it with the edge of his glasses.

Bruce scoffed at her. "I was in Calcutta," he reminded her with an arched brow. "I was pretty well removed."

"Loki is manipulating you," Romanoff replied. I turned to her, wondering if Loki could manipulate me too.

"What?" I asked, my voice trembling. "Is that even possible?"

She nodded and turned back to Bruce. "And you've been doing what exactly?"

Romanoff rolled her eyes and took a step towards Bruce. "You didn't come here because I batted my eyelashes at you."

Bruce nodded, shaking his head as he continued to walk around the room. My body began to stiffen as I watched him stop in front of the scepter. My hands turned blue as ice encapsulated my fingers, slowly creeping up my hands as the energy in the room shifted. I let out a shuddered breath, catching the attention of my father and Steve. I could feel the super soldier's gaze on me as I tried to conceal the ice forming on my hands.

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