Chapter Sixty-three: We interrupt this program

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The tension in the tent thickened, but all Steve Rogers could hear was the muffled cacophony of voices from the outside world as his mind replayed the moment he was forcefully ejected from Westview. The blinding flash of light, followed by a crushing sense of disorientation, had left him reeling. He had been so close to his family, so close to protecting Emily and their children. And now, they were all still inside... without him.

His heart raced, thundering with an overwhelming mix of fear and helplessness. He stood in the middle of the chaotic S.W.O.R.D. tent, his eyes glued to the images of Wanda, Vision, and the odd, shifting reality of Westview. Monica Rambeau, who had been cast out just moments before him, sat nearby, catching her breath. Her eyes mirrored his pain - she, too, had left behind something precious. But for Steve, it was more than just losing a battle or failing a mission. It was his family. His world.

Darcy Lewis and Agent Woo were speaking in low voices, trying to make sense of the data coming in. They had no idea of the storm that was brewing inside Steve's chest. Every pixel of that old TV screen, every distorted image of Wanda's world, felt like a slap to the face. He clenched his fists, his knuckles whitening, desperately fighting the urge to lash out. It wasn't like him to lose control, but this - this was different. He needed to be in there, with them, protecting them.

Monica looked over at him, understanding flashing in her eyes. "Steve... I'm sorry. I couldn't-"

He waved her apology away, his voice low and ragged. "It's not your fault. I should have been faster. Stronger. I should've stopped it."

She shook her head, still reeling from her own experience. "No one could have stopped it, Steve. This... it's like a dream... but it's not. It's so much worse."

The images on the screen flickered - scenes from the 70s played out in grainy, surreal clarity. Wanda and Vision were living a life that wasn't real. And Emily, his Emily, was still in there with Sarah and James, trapped in this nightmare. What was Wanda thinking? What did she want? Was she even in control?

Darcy's voice cut through his thoughts, her tone sharp with the gravity of the situation. "Rogers, you need to see this." She turned the monitor towards him, showing the moment that Monica was pushed out of Westview. But that wasn't the part that made Steve's blood run cold. The image shifted slightly - just for a second, the screen showed a glimpse of their house in Westview, the one he and Emily had been transported into, the one where his children still slept, unaware of the danger.

The house looked so normal, like any suburban home. But Steve knew better. He knew how fragile that peace was. He could practically feel Emily's presence, could sense her icy powers bubbling beneath the surface as she fought to protect their kids. But how long could she hold out? How long before Wanda realized they weren't just neighbors - before she saw them as a threat?

Agent Woo was pacing nearby, exchanging theories with Darcy about the expanding hex and what Wanda might be trying to accomplish. But Steve wasn't listening anymore. His focus was only on one thing: getting back inside.

"I need to get back in," he muttered, his voice thick with desperation.

"Steve," Monica called out, her voice firm but gentle, "I don't think that's possible. We barely made it out alive. Whatever's controlling Westview... it's growing stronger. It'll tear you apart before you even get close."

"I don't care." He shook his head, his mind racing with thoughts of his children. "I can't leave them in there. Emily... Sarah... James... They need me." He swallowed hard, the words choking in his throat. "I promised them I'd protect them."

Monica stood up, placing a hand on his shoulder, trying to steady him. "We'll find a way. We will. But running in without a plan isn't going to help anyone. Right now, you're out here, and that means you have to trust that Emily will hold on. She's strong. You've seen what she can do."

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