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some chapters in this story may be long, most are short but yeah.

"Do you wanna come over?" I spoke into the speaker of my phone, "Yeah sure!" Darryl giggled. I blushed, thinking this is the time we might kiss. Well, I think that all the time... but maybe it really could be!


I opened the door to see Darryl, wearing his signature white collared shirt and a sweater worn over it. The sweater changes it's colours whenever Darryls mood changes.

"Hey" he adjusted his glasses, "Hey.. come in, it's snowing." I smiled. He smiles back and runs upstairs, then into my room.

I followed his lead and closed the door behind me, "So.. do u wanna play minecraft?" I suggested

"Yeah sure!" He giggles, i grabbed the 2 Xbox controllers from my desk and turned on the tv. While I settled up the game Darryl fidgeted with his fingers.

"Are you alright?" I ask calmly.

He nods, "I'm alright... I just have something on my mind at the moment."

"Alright, if you wanna talk to me about it I'll be happy to listen." I handed him his controller, I loaded us into our world and we started to continue where we left off from the last time he came.

Sometimes I would glare at him when he laughed, it was adorable.

heather | skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now