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I woke up in my bed with my hair tossed up.

The first thing I thought about was the times me and Darryl has last night. Us at the park late at night giggling and getting slushies from 7/11.

A small smile appeared on my face.

But then I started to sniffle, then cough. Then letted out the loudest cough I have ever had, it wouldn't stop.

All of a sudden someone started to knock on my door.

It was my mother holding a tray with pumpkin soup on top. "Morning.." she moved her hips side to side.

I sat up.

She placed the tray in my lap. "Well- I heard you coughing. I think it's better if you don't go to school today." She suggests, I nod. At least I won't see Heather today.

She sat down on the corner of my bed.

"Zak. Are you gay..?" She says.

I stopped the spoon from going into my mouth. I looked at her.

"Huh?" I tilted my head; my tired morning brain couldn't process what she just said.

"Well. The way you reacted when Darryl visited last night?" She explains.

"Mother I-" I spoke, I couldn't even speak. Is this the time for me to come out??

"Zak, you don't need to come out now but I would just like to tell you I will support you." She held my hand, "You won't tell dad?" I asked for assurance. "Since he's homophobic? Yes, I will." She gripped on my hand a bit more stronger. I gulped.

"Well- I'm bisexual." I say

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