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I cracked my knuckles and continued to walk around the hallway, normally I would wait for Darryl to come through the gate but it was to cold to stay outside this morning.

My mother forced me to wake up and go to school early today.

Right as I was about unblock my locker I heard someone sobbing in the nearby janitors closet. "Hmh?" I muttered to myself, I walked over to the door of the closet and opened it, I peeked my head inside to see brunette male curled into a ball.


"Darryl? Are you okay?!" I walked to him, sitting down on the floor next to him.

"I-I'm fine." He choked on his tears. "Darryl.. don't lie to me." I whisper close to his ear; I grab his wrist, trying to get him to stand up.

"Ouch!" Darryl hissed with pain, "Did I hurt you?" I ask.

It stayed quiet for a while until the realisation hit me.

"Darryl, Are you cutting yourself..?" I mumbled.

"It's just a bruise, that's all." He pouted, "Darryl.." I say. I tried to roll up his sleeve.

"STOP!" He yelled, I flinched. Taking my hands off his sleeve.

"LEAVE ME ALONE" he took his arm and hides it, I gulp with guilt. "If you need to talk to me I'm right here." I stood up, "k.. NOW GO PLEASE" he bursted into tears.

I left the janitors closet and started to take deep breathes, I pinched myself to see if this was a dream. "OUCH!" I yelled softly.

I guess it wasn't a dream.

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