heather and zak

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I quickly got rid of my flag before Heather could arrive, I've learn from my mistakes and I'm not gonna repeat what I already did. I stuff the flag under my bed.

YOU : are u coming?

H : yes I am, can u wait? clingy much

YOU : girl what- 💀

YOU : anyways the door will be unlocked

I rolled my eyes and sighed. I grabbed myself a glass and continued to fill it up with some orange juice, I added some ice cubes and a few splashes of water too. Before seating myself at the counter with my drink I could hear the door creak open; it was Heather, her hands were full of Victoria secret shopping bags and some other shopping bags which were unfamiliar to me.

"Hey" she pants, did u walk all the way here?" I turned around to look at her. "Mhm" she nods, seconds later she takes a sip of her Frappuccino. "Do u wanna crash in my room?" I ask her.

"Yeah sure!"  She exclaims. I leave the glass of orange juice on top of the countertop and lead her into my room. I drop onto my bed, staring up at the ceiling "Here is where I spend most of my time at." I fiddle with my fingers, Heather sits on the corner of the mattress. We start chatting for a bit until I asked her a question I've been dying to know for. "Why did you.. and Darryl break up?" I ask her, I knew this was gonna be embarrassing. "Oh." Heather replies, smacking her lips as she forwarded eye contact to her lap. She bites her lip and she hesitates for a moment, "Darryl just never- listened to me, once I asked him to wear this t-shirt so we could match he replied with a sudden no. He basically has the style and music taste of an edgy teen, his closet is full of boring plain long sleeve shirts."

"Oh." I reply. I look up at my walls, music artist posters covering one side of the room. And a creeper plushie in my right. Me and Darryl have some things in common but not most, while Darryl prefers to stay inside I like to stay outside, while Darryl prefers metal and all sort of stuff I like indie music, while Darryl dresses like some stereotypical "aesthetic' Pinterest boy I dress up in denim jackets and track pants.

"You know, we should hang out more often." She at me then down "Yeah we should." I reply, am I backstabbing Darryl? What if he finds about all of this nonsense. "Well I'm gonna go now." Heather stands up, I then hear the irritating noise of  crinkling when she grabs grabbing the paper bags. "I'll walk you out." I offer, she smiles back. My stomach starts to flutter, we make an eye contact for a few seconds although it felt like minutes. I snap back to life when she blinks; I walked down stairs and our the door. Before I could wave goodbye she opens her mouth to speak, "Your cute." She winks.

I'm cute?

(I'm trying to do less time skips and more longer paragraphs)

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