feeling better since your here

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I looked over at Darryls screen from behind and rested my chin on his shoulder.

He was texting Heather.

Heather was begging for forgiveness.

But Darryl didn't believe her. Not one bit.

I allowed Darryl to come over to my house, we both ditched school today so Darryl could grieve and I could comfort him. My parents were totally fine with that, plus my mother recommended to shoot my shot. But I'm not ready yet.

I started to hear Darryl's sobs again, I quickly shackled off the blankets and searched for the tissue box.

"Here." I handed him the rectangular prism.

He nods, "Thanks Zak" he smiles.

My heart starts to flutter.

"Do you want some of my hot cheetos?" I ask him. "No thanks, my stomach is upset and is not in the mood for eating anything spicy." He says, i gave a 'it's okay' smile.


There we were, me and Darryl cuddled up into a couch.

He felt to upset to process what was happening in the movie, same as his movements. He wouldn't normally cuddle with me; this hasn't happened before. Darryl just stared at the blanket instead.

"Are you.. alright?" I say, stammering a bit.

"Feeling better since your here."

I blush. "Really?"

"Yes really Zak."

He then continued to chew on the sour patch kids I bought him.

That sounds like something a couple would say.

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