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I woke up to see Darryl on the opposite couch.

I checked the time to see it was 10am. "Darryl wake up." I say, my voice cracks a bit. He groans. "Buttt we don't have school today can I just sleep in?"

"I'm going to school at 12 so I could present my project, you can stay home I guess." I explained to the brunette. Darryl grabs his glasses and adjusts it onto his face. "Mk." I smacked his lips, "Oh my gosh I have such a headache." He complains. "Well, you were throwing up like crazy yesterday." I giggle.

He giggles back. "Oh yeah about yesterday- did I say anything bad? Sometimes I spill out some words that I'm not supposed to, I apologise every bit if I did."

I blush. "Oh nothing!" I lie. "Good, one time I cussed out a random guy." Darryl stretched his arms.

I letted out a fake chuckle. "Welp, I'm gonna go get changed."

"But you don't have any clothes." He stood up, "I'll just go in these." I ran my fingers through my hair.

"KayKay bye bestie boo." He says in a mocking tone. "Don't call me that again." I point to him, trying to contain my laughters.


Jumping the fence to get inside school property was not worth it, luckily I didn't injure myself. I unlock my locker and got out my backpack which holds my books for different periods.

I look at my watch.


Science starts at 11:40am, people should be coming out of their classrooms at 11:30. I needed to hide away from getting caught skipping class. I decided to hide in one of the stalls.

Without hesitation I walked into one of the stalls.


A few minutes later I started to hear the chatters of people outside.

When I heard the footsteps on 3 people enter the bathroom I decided to get out of the stall.

"YOU PERVERT!" A senior pointed at me. She looked like she was about to hit me in the face with her handbag, "GET OUT OF HERE. I'M GONNA REPORT YOU TO THE PRINCIPAL." The other shouts.

I quickly run.

On my out I looked behind me to see what gender the bathroom was meant to be for.



I looked to my left, then my right. Making sure no one just saw me run out of the WOMANS TOILETS.


Zak Ahmed please present your presentation.

I gulp, I walk up to the front and plug in my usb cable.

I cleared my throat and just letted my mouth do all the talking.


YOU : are you coming now?

D : mhm i'm on my way, still feeling a bit hangover though.

YOU : kk see ya later.

D : bye :)

I turned off my phone and smuggled it into my pocket.

I just stood their waiting for the bell to go. It was all normal until I started to feel dizzy, my legs felt like they were gonna collapse any minute. Before I knew it I fell down, that's all I could remember.


I woke up in the medbay, no one was there except him.


He stood there, seated on an armchair. While I slept down on one of the medical beds.

"W-What happened?" I stuttered. Darryl looks up at me and simply smiles.

He comes and sits next to me on the bed, "Are you alright? I was very worried about you." He says softly. "I'm fine I guess but what happened?!" I exclaimed, "Basically you fainted." He explains. "Oh."

I move closer to him, our pinky's closely touching.

What was I doing

I'm probably making him feel uncomfortable

I move back away.

We both look at each other. His beady emerald eyes looking into mine.

Before I knew it we both leaned in closer, closing the gap between us two. Our lips press against each other's, I keep both of my hands occupied gripping on to his waist.

Is this real.

Am I dreaming?

Darryl pulls away.

"I think I hear some footsteps." He says. I stood up, opening the door slightly to have a peek. "No one's there." I whisper, I scratch the back of my neck "Do you.. wanna continue?"

"Y- Zak I don't know, I'm not.. gay." Darryl stammers, "I mean your a pretty good kisser." I smirk. He looks up at me, giving me a this-is-not-the-time look.

"Sorry." I reply. "Well you don't need to be just gay, you can be attracted to woman too." I spoke.

"I know, just pretend this nothing happened. I'm leaving." Darryl looks at me.

"I understand that." I nodded.

heather | skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now