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Darryl hasn't spoken to me in a day, and i already started to go crazy.

This morning when I saw him at school he would just give me quick stares, and that's it, quick stares.

I noticed he started to hang out with dumbass Heather usually, and when I mean usually I mean most of the time. Her ugly blonde curls made her look like raw pasta, but yet she was so nice.

But other than that I miss Darryl, not to long ago he gave me his sweater. The thought of that made me upset.

Maybe I should go talk to him? Yeah I should; he is just around the corner from my house.

I hopped out of my bed and putted on my winter coat.

Shortly after, I left the house.

I plugged my AirPods into my ears and turned on the song that me and Darryl listened to when we walked home together in the snow, 'Lover - Taylor Swift'.

The song stoped playing as soon as I was in Darryls driveway, I looked at his one story house up and down. I remembered the times we would play minecraft everyday here when we were 12 and 13.

I forced myself to smile as I knocked on the door.

I heard the door unlocking.

"Darryl, I-" I say, I look up to him. He had eyebags hanging under his eyes, he looked extremely tired. His hair was messy and it looked liked a birds nest.

"Zak? What is it." He says, his tone sounded a bit angry.

"I'm just checking on you." I stammered, "Are you alright Darryl?"

"Yeah yeah I am, goodbye." He shutted the door, I tried to stop the door from closing "No! Let's play minecraft?" I smiled.

He nodded.


We sat down on the floor, with our knees crossed. As we waited for minecraft to load. I scooted next to him closer, our knees touching.

I looked at him, he looked back.

His eyes were filled with bliss, we both leaned in until our lips were merged together.

I grabbed the back of his head, pulling him closer.

Not even a minute later, he pulled away.

"I can't do this!" He cried out, "What's the matter?" I ask. He leaned forward and his head was now digging into his hands, he leaned up for some air.

"Heathers my girlfriend."

heather | skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now