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Me, Heather and Darryl sat in the cafeteria, we ate the frozen pizza and drank the chocolate milk that tasted like coffee that has been set out for 8 days.

Heather was doing her usual, acting all pretty. Fixing her hair every 5 minutes and casually repeating the line "Oh my gosh Darryl! Your so funny stop it!"

I would give her dirty looks time to time. Sometimes she would look back.

Darryl just sat there eating his pizza and nodding to whatever Heather says, although it was obvious he wasn't catching one word that came out of her mouth.

Suddenly some unfamiliar senior jumped on one of the cafeteria tables in the centre.

"EVERYONE, PARTY AT RAVEN ROBINSON'S HOUSE TONIGHT AT 9PM!" He yelled, the whole room was covered with peoples cheers. "Cool! We should totally go Darr.. you can come to Zak, I guess." Heather slurs, her tone changes when she talks about me.

i guess?!

Me and him nod.


It turns out it was a dress up party.

I arrived wearing some police man outfit, Heather changed into one of those slutty bunny outfits and Darryl came dressed as a fire man.

"Yo does that even fit you?!" I chuckle, "Stopp Zak!" He giggles. Slightly annoyed.

"It was my old Halloween costumes when I was 11." He confessed, I laugh.

Heather rolls her eyes and walks into the door of the party.

We follow her inside.


There it was, me and Darryl both drunk of the dance floor.

Yeah we are underage but who cares?! You only live once right?

We were dancing to Last Friday Night by Katy Perry.

As soon as the song ended we went to go find a room to crash at, down the hall way we checked the 3rd door. We knocked once, then twice.

"If no one's replying there's probably no one in here." He says, I agree.

We twist the door knob to see Heather.

Heather making out with some jock. Heathers shirt was off, only leaving her in a bra. The jock kind of guy was only in his boxers.

Heather looks up at us.

"DARRYL I CAN EXPLAIN-" she yells, Darryl shuts the door and runs away.

He's leading to the bathroom, I start to chase him.

"DARRYL!!" I yell, he covers his mouth with his hands. Probably trying to muffle the sound of his sobs.

He runs into an empty bathroom, closing the door. I don't think the door had a lock.

I knock, "Can I come in?" I ask softly. "Go away I'm fine." He says, his voice sounds broken. "Please." I reply, he finally opens the door. He looks straight up at me, his hair is tossed up and had tear stains dripping down his cheek.

I pull him into a hug.

I think my writings improving, yay. well compared from the first book I wrote

heather | skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now