over the phone

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"I came out to my mother yesterday." I spoke into the mobile phone.

"That's great!" My friend Lya smiles. "How did it go?" She asks, "It went not how I thought it would be. She supports! It's just that I'm not ready to come out to my dad." I look down, "Why?" She asks softly. "Well he is REALLY homophobic." I explain, "Oh." She fades her voice.

Lya has been my childhood bestfriend since we were 12. (tbh idk when they met)

Lya was pansexual herself. Talking to her about my lovesick phase I'm going through at the moment felt so comforting to me. "Shit! I'm not supposed to be on my phone, it got taken away from me! BYE" she whisper yelled. She ends the call. "Bye!" I wave, not caring if no one could hear me.

heather | skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now