new contact

218 9 6

I wonder how it feels like to kiss someone.

Yeah I'm 15 and in middle school but what do expect? Someone to actually be interested in me?

All of a sudden Heather sits next to me on the school bench. "Hi!" She exclaims, who does this bitch think she is? "Hi?" I reply. "So I've been thinking for a while.. do u wanna be friends?" She smiles, I had an urge to say no but but the complete opposite slipped out. "Sure."

We exchange phone numbers and then she leaves. "I have to run, toodles!" She waves, I wave back. Am I being controlled? I never meant to say yes.. yet I think I should give her a chance. Maybe she's changed?


H : can I come over to your house? siblings are fighting again lol.

YOU : ofc, [insert street address]

H : kk!

I'm pretty sure me and Darryl are supposed to meet up for milkshakes today.. we normally go on sundays but ever since it was raining we decided to post pone it.

I'll just tell Heather she'll have to work through it.

H : what do you mean I have to go through it?

YOU : I'm sorry Heather, we'll hang out tomorrow. I have family plans

H : k whatever, you do you.

Wow Darryl dated this psycho?


I gulped, why did I feel guilty? Is it because i'm basically friends with my best friends ex, that he hates?

"Are you alright?" Darryl waves hiss hand in front of me; trying to catch my attention. "Sorry, I just zoned out for a second eheh.."

Darryl raises an eyebrow "Are you sure?" He definitely caught onto my strange behaviour.

I nod, taking a small sip from my cookies and cream milkshake.

heather | skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now