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I handed Darryl a piece of my strawberry gum.

"Thanks!" He smiled, he then started to chew on it. "So uhh.. what did you and Heather do yesterday?" I shuffled closer to him as we sat on the bench.

"We went to go shopping for make up, dresses and that stuff." He replies. I nodded, I didn't catch one word he said.

While I got lost in my thoughts. Darryls words slowly faded away from my hearing. "Uhh Zak?" The brunette stammers, as soon as I came back to reality I opened my mouth to speak. "Remember the 3rd of December? When we were walking home together?" I asked, it came out of nowhere.

"Yes I do, what about it?" he asks.

"Oh nothing!" I smiled.

That's when it started to become quiet. My mind started to think about questions I could ask Darryl.

"Are you gay?" I say quickly.

"Huh? W-What? Why would I be gay, you know I have a girlfriend." He says, he started to turn red and shake a bit. "So why did you kiss me?" I teased.


"I-I don't know," He stuttered. "I mean- your the one who leaned in first!"


"What?" I say.

"Well.. what's your sexuality?" I smirked, "S-Straight?! I don't know! Leave me alone!" He stood up. He grabbed his bag and started to leave the bench.


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