forgiving you

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"Hey it's me Darryl! Please leave me a voicemail, I'm busy. To busy for you." The speaker speaks, it then beeps.

"Hey bro. I'm really sorry, I should have never asked you that question. So what do you say, Come over to my place at 8?" I say, trying to sound as happy as possible.

I then sent the voicemail.

I grunt.


"FUCK!" I yell.

"This is all my fault isn't it?" i clenched my eyes. I sat on the edge of my bed.

My dog Rocco came and sniffed my hand, he looks up at me. "Sorry for being loud Rocco.." I chuckled softly.


a few hours later

I sat at the dinner table with my family. We ate in silence, it would usually be more joyful. But since my sister moved out it been so quiet at dinners.

What a shame.

Suddenly the door started to knock.

I looked up, "I'll get it!" I ran to the door.

"As always." My mother mutters.

I held on the doorknob and twisted it. "Darryl..?" I gasped. "What's so special about Darryl coming over? He always does." My dad scoffs.

Me and Darryl made eye contact for a few seconds, I smiled and I ran into the taller arms. I nuzzled into his sweater.

"I forgive you." Darryl whispers to me, he started to rub my back with his palm.

heather | skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now