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I walked down the hall, expecting for Darryl to pop out and scare me like how he usually does.

I started to get concerned when I reached the end and i could spot Darryl anywhere, did he skip school without me? I sigh, I'll just text him.

I pulled out my phone from my left pocket and started to type out a message.

Where are you? Are you okay?

As soon as my pointing finger could press the send button I could hear the clacking of high heels right behind me. "Zak Ahmed." The principal says in a sturdy voice, I could feel her looking over my shoulder. I quickly turn my phone off.

She clears her throat "The bell for class ran 2 minutes ago, hurry up." 

I nod. "Okay Mrs Luni."

I quickly rushed to chemistry class, i kept my phone in my hands just incase Darryl would answer soon.


"Now if you have this green potion and you pour it into the punk potion what will happen?" Mr Maddie asks, he hovers over the students sitting at their desks. I looked around to see 1 persons hand up, Cara. She raised her hand up right in the air and kept wiggling in her chair. Who would be that desperate for a chemistry question?

"It's always the same people." He sighs.

His eyes flicker over to me.

"Zak, what will happen?" He asks, staring dead in my pupils. To be honest I don't know, I wasn't listening.

"An elephant will pop out of it?" I guess. I was being serious.

Everyone started to laugh, they thought I was joking. He raises and eyebrow. "Zak Ahmed. This is not the perfect time to make jokes."

"I'm sorry." I reply. I was lying, why should I say sorry?

The bell then rings.



"Are you alright?" Lya taps on the cafeteria table, i turn off my phone.

"Yeah I'm alright, I'm just expecting a message or a call from someone." I say. "Who?" She asks "Darryl."

"Ooohh" she smirks, "Shut up!" I giggle. Flapping her hand away from me; "Is there something you haven't told me?" She smirks once again. "No! I promise okay?" I held out my pinky, we then lock pinky's together. I pull away when I noticed my phone vibrated.

D : Sorry, I just arrived at school.

"He just arrived at school." I say.

"What? But school ends in 2 hours!" she exclaims. "Exactly!" I agreed with her, I quickly type out my reply.

YOU : But why so late?

D : It's nothing, I'll see you later k?

YOU : Okay.. byeee!

I then shut off my phone.

"So what were u talking about?" I questioned Lya.


I walked out the doors of school with Darryl.

"FRESH AIR!!" I giggle. I spin around in circles until I got dizzy, I expected Darryl to laugh back but instead I received an awkward chuckle, "Hheh.."

heather | skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now