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I tapped my fingers nervously on the marble table as I waited for Darryl to arrive, when Darryl finally walked through the doors he brought someone with him.


"Darryl!" I waved, they both smiled and took a seat at the table.

"So.. you brought Heather? I was just planning if it was just us two.. you know?" I mumbled, "Well Heather begged me for her to come.. and I couldn't say no." He explained.

"Oh.. I guess that's alright." I lied, "So what are we getting?" Heather says. Her hair bouncing up and down happily.

I gave her a death stare; I didn't like the fact she was here.

"Milkshakes." I spoke, "I'll get the chocolate milkshake!" Darryl exclaimed

"I'll get the same as Darryl" Heather says, she didn't even take a chance to look at what flavours they had. "I'll get vanilla I guess.." I muttered, "Is something wrong Zak?" The brunette asked softly.

"N-No why would you think that?!" I smiled nervously.

"Just asking that's all." He replies.

"Well I guess I'll go place in our order." Darryl sits up, once he was far away from the table Heather opened her mouth to speak. "So... How long have you and Darryl been friends?"

"Since 3rd grade." I shrugged, before Heather could speak again Darryl came back.

Darryl came back holding our milkshakes, "Here we go!" He says.

"I thought I was treating you out Darryl" I joked, "Oh really you were?" He says. He then held out his hand, "Pay up mister" he chuckles.

I hand him 8 dollars.

"There you go." I smiled happily; totally forgetting about Heather being here. We all grab our drinks and start sipping.

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