two faced bitch

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Me and Darryl are friends again.

We haven't talked about the kiss yet. But I don't think he wants to talk about it.

Yesterday I went home crying, that two faced bitch! Heather is just making my life worst and worst every single minute I live. But thinking of the fact that I kissed my crush made things slightly better.

Today is Sunday, and that means it's the day me and Darryl go out for lunch!

I continued to spin around in my chair and sketch, according to my family I'm a really good artist but I don't really see it. As soon as I finished the drawing I pushed my chair farther back; I took a look at how it looks far away. The yellow lighting from the desk lamp shone on the drawing "It looks okay I guess." I muttered to myself.

Taking a sip from the Gatorade on my left hand side my phone started to ring.

It was Darryl!

I took the phone into my hands as fast as I can, "Hey!" I exclaimed.

"Hey Zak.. Uh bad news, Heather wants me to take her out for lunch. So I'm afraid we can't go to the diner today.. next week?" He stammers, I thought about it for a second. "Yeah sure dude" I reply.

"Aight see ya!" He exclaims, "Bye." I say as my finger made its way to the 'end call' button.

*beep beep*

I sighed, "I guess I'll just study for the exam."

heather | skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now