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"SURPRISE!!" My mother barges into my room.

I look up at her, my hair all tossed up. I just woke up a couple minutes ago and this is happening? "I know it's not pride month yet but.." She chuckles, she pulls out a flag. Which consists the colours of pink, purple and blue. The colours of the bisexual flag.

"Momm!" I smile, "Thank you!"

I hug her, "Now be careful. Don't let your dad see this okay?" She looks at me. I nod, "I'll hang it over my bed. He never comes in my room."

She pulls away from the hug.

"I'm going now, you'll be home alone for the whole day." She says, i nod. "No inviting any girlfriends or boyfriends!" My mother points at me. "I understand mother, and no parties." I shrug. "That's my boy!"


There I am, sitting on the couch and eating pickles dipped in peanut butter.

My auntie would always make me these when I was younger. Gosh I miss her.

I started to get bored so I invited Darryl over. Shooting him a text, completely forgetting about him probably being mad  at me.

YOU : Yo wanna come over!

D : Can't sorry. I'm on a date.

A date?

D : I'm just kidding! Sure I'll come over!

The wave of relief hits me.

YOU : Great see ya!

So he's not angry at me?

I finish up my meal and trail upstairs then into my room; I grab the pride flag and started to hang it up right above my bed.


I heard knocking on the door.

"Who is it?" I yell on top of my lungs, A muffled familiar voice yells back "It's me! Your best friend, Darryl!" I dash to the door, "Hi." We both said in sync.

He then steps foot in

"Can I borrow one of your shirts?" Darryl asks, he gives me puppy eyes. "Again?" I sigh jokingly.

"Yes!" He exclaims, he runs into my room. I quickly remember the flag. "NO NO WAIT!" I try to stop the brunette, but it's to late; he's already in my room.

At first glance it seems like he doesn't notice it. He's searching through my dresser, chucking out the clothes he weren't interested in behind him. It was like a dog digging a hole in the ground.

"Here!" He says, he turns around. Holding up a basic white collared shirt. He then notices the multicoloured piece of fabric dangling near my bed.

He tilts his head slightly.

"Wow what a surprise." He smacks his lips, no energy put in it at all.  "T-That's it?" I stutter, slightly confused with the sudden reaction.

"I mean it was obvious. Back in 6th grade when u used to only watch romance movies because it was queer?"

"Oh, I guess your right." I rubbed the back of my neck. "I support you. I'm an ally." He rests one of his hands on top of my right shoulder.

Ally? Only?

That was fine. I just need to accept the fact he'll never like me.

That seems a bit hard.

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